For all the die-hard Gilmore Girls fans who have been counting down to the show’s November 25th revival, Netflix is hosting something to hold you over ‘til then.
What’s going on?
On October 5th, Netflix will lead a nation-wide event to transform 250 cafes across the U.S. and parts of Canada into Luke’s Diner — at least for one morning. The popular entertainment company will provide participating coffee shops all the necessary essentials (Luke’s Diner swag, T-shirts, aprons…flannel?) to successfully make the transformation from standard coffee shop to the iconic Stars Hollow pit stop for small-town gossip, really good coffee and some Lorelai-Luke drama.
Tell me more.
In Austin, Vintage Heart Coffee, Summer Moon Coffee Bar on South First and Caffe Medici on Congress will be the lucky ones taking part in the event, which will run from 7 am until noon. However, try to get there early — the first 250 cups of coffee will be courtesy of Netflix, and there’s talk about a “fun surprise” hidden under the custom Gilmore Girls coffee sleeves (we’re anticipating mile-long lines).
This event falls on the 16th anniversary of Gilmore Girl’s first pilot episode, aka the day the world became hopelessly entangled in the lives of our favorite mother/daughter duo. Though burning questions about Rory’s future and Luke and Lorelai’s fate will continue to plague us until they’re answered on November 25, take a break from debating whether it’s gonna be Jesse or Logan and swing by “Luke’s Diner” for a cup of coffee.