Everyone likes fried rice. Everyone loves a good BLT. Let’s do a little mingling and bring the two together and you have a dressed up fresh take on fried rice. Now you can have your protein, grain and veggies all in one bowl. And also bacon is involved so everyone wins.

BLT Fried Rice
In a large pan, cook the bacon bits until the fat is rendered out and pieces are crispy. Remove some of the bacon fat leaving 1 tablespoon, reserving the rest on the side.
Add the onions and cook until softened slightly, 1-2 minutes
Turn the heat up to high and add the broken up rice and cook, undisturbed for 2-3 minutes. Toss and cook until rice is crispy and heated through.
Add the romaine and tomatoes and cook for 1-2 minutes while tossing. Season with salt and pepper to taste and serve immediately.