Ahh, it’s that time of year again – exam season. A season where attention-spans are tested, eyesights get blurrier, and hands begin to cramp at the end of every day. A time where students crack open that textbook (for the first time?) and highlight every important detail (so, the whole page?).
A common association with exam season is poor diet. With many students choosing to spend their days at the library, their Student Union building, residence lounge or even their own desk, it can be hard not to resort to a “grab-and-go” diet, or worse, the “I-don’t-even-have-the-time-to-put-food-in-my-mouth” diet.
While we may not be able to change the craziness of our study schedules, we can definitely find quick and easy solutions to keep our tummies satisfied all day long. One solution that you won’t even have to put down your pencil to enjoy is smoothies. Here are three awesome smoothie recipes to power you through your exams.

Green Smoothie
Add all ingredients to blender.
Blend for 30 seconds â 1 minute, until smooth.
Pour into glass and enjoy.

Berry Smoothie
Add all ingredients to blender.
Blend for 30 seconds â 1 minute, until smooth.
Pour into glass and enjoy.

Chocolate Banana Smoothie
Add all ingredients to blender.
Blend for 30 seconds â 1 minute, until smooth.
Pour into glass and enjoy.