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Chia Seed Overnight Oats with Nectarine and Berries

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Stanford chapter.

As the weather heats up but school keeps going, you probably don’t have the time or desire to cook a hot breakfast. With summer fast approaching, I find myself waking up with a craving for something cold, fruity, and nourishing—but also something I can grab quickly as I race off to class.

Overnight oats are the perfect healthy breakfast that packs a nutritional punch, and are great for warmer weather, as they are eaten cold. This recipe has it all—filling fiber from the oats, antioxidants from the fruit, and protein and healthy fats from the almond butter.

Don’t skip the most important meal of the day. Just whip up this quick summer fruit-filled breakfast recipe the night before and voila. You’ll be celebrating summer and getting a healthy, quick meal in no time at all.


Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: Overnight
Total Time: 8+ hours

Servings: 1

Mason jar or sealable containter
1/3 cup rolled oats (gluten free if necessary)
1/3 cup almond milk (or soymilk, coconut milk… you name it)
2 teaspoon chia seeds
1/2 nectarine
Frozen or fresh berries
Unsweetened shredded coconut
Almond butter

overnight oats

Photo by Maggie Harriman


1. Add oats, chia seeds, and coconut to your jar.

overnight oats

Photo by Maggie Harriman

2. Then add chopped nectarine and berries to your jar.

overnight oats

Photo by Maggie Harriman

3. Cover your oats and fruit with almond milk, mix it all together, and add almond butter on top.

overnight oats

Photo by Maggie Harriman

4. Store your oats in the fridge. The oats and chia seeds will soak up the liquid and flavor from the almond milk and fruit.

overnight oats

Photo by Maggie Harriman

5. Enjoy your breakfast the next morning!

For more overnight oats and summer breakfast ideas, check out these recipes:

Maggie is a Human Biology major that hails from San Diego, California. When she isn't managing Stanford Spoon's social media account, you can find her developing recipes, food blogging for the Stanford newspaper, and eating copious amounts of peanut butter and acai bowls.