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This Smart Water Bottle Reminds You When to Take a Sip

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at St Andrews chapter.

Being a responsible adult is hard. You have to remember to pay utility bills, call your grandparents on their birthdays, do your laundry regularly, and most importantly, feed and water yourself. As someone that has killed more houseplants than I can count, this last part has always been especially difficult for me. If I can’t remember to water a plant, how can I remember to drink enough water myself? That’s where this smart water bottle comes in. The Hidrate Spark reminds you to take a sip, so you don’t have to think about it. Nifty, right?

Wait, How Much Water Do I Actually Need In a Day?

SoulCycle ice water
Jocelyn Hsu

Well, I’m glad you asked. I’m going to be straight-up with you. The eight cups a day thing is total BS. How much water you need on a daily basis is unique to each person, and it depends on many variables including your weight, exercise regime, health, and even your gender. If you’re training for a marathon and sweating like crazy, you’re going to need more water than someone that’s sedentary. If you have mono and a fever, you’re going to need to drink more fluids than usual. You see what I’m saying?

So how do you know how much water you should be drinking? It’s important to listen to your body and recognize the signs of dehydration. If you have chapped lips, sunken eyes, or dark urine, there’s a pretty good chance that you need some water, ASAP. That being said, there are formulas that you can use to calculate how much water you need in a day, which is how smart water bottles operate.

How Does The Hidrate Spark Work?

You know how when you were a kid, your mom would tell you to eat vegetables and drink water? The Hidrate Spark works kind of like that. This smart water bottle syncs to an app on your phone, which calculates your recommended hydration goal using an equation generated by doctors.

There’s a sensor inside the bottle that records how much water you drink, and a light inside the bottle glows to remind you to keep sipping until you’ve reached your goal. You can even link the Hidrate Spark to your Fitbit or Apple Watch.

The best part? The Hidrate Spark is battery operated, so you don’t have to worry about charging it. There’s no need to pack even more charging cords to bring with you for the days that you spend in the library.

Where Can I Buy The Hidrate Spark?

You can snag this handy water bottle directly from the Hidrate Spark website for $54.95, although many US retailers carry it as well (@Bed, Bath & Beyond, I’m looking at you). The smart water bottles come in teal, black, purple, white, pink, and royal blue, so you can choose whatever color fits your vibe best. You can ship these babies to Canada as well, but it’s better to order in bulk; the shipping is $15, which is kind of price-y.

Fans went crazy over “The Shape of Water” at the Oscars this year, but most people forget that water can get you in shape — cheesy, but true. There are so many reasons why drinking water is important. Not only does H2O keep your body running smoothly, but it can also give you clearer skin and help you to lose weight. This week, try skipping the soda and make H2O in a smart water bottle your go to beverage. Your body will be happier for it.

Jody Brimacombe

St Andrews '19

Jody is a third-year English major. Her favorite things include green smoothies, eating entire jars of nut butter, and singing in the car. She also has a not-so-secret weakness for trash TV.