As far as carbs go, bread isn’t my favourite. I know that sliced loaves are useful, that baguettes are great for picnics and, sure, I will wolf down a walnut loaf if you give me one, but I hardly ever choose to buy bread.
I also don’t bake much bread. It can be time-consuming (waiting for dough to rise) and honestly I’m often too lazy to knead it. Fortunately, this recipe fulfills my wish for a quick fancy set of rolls with little hassle. And it’s kinda healthy, or at least, I can tell myself that.

Carrot, Zucchini and Walnut Rolls
Preheat the oven to 400°F or gas mark 6.
Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl with 1/2 teaspoon of salt.
Remove excess liquid from the grated carrot and courgette (aka zucchini) by squeezing. Season with pepper.
Add the carrot and courgette to the dry ingredients and stir in.
Create a well and fold in the plant-based milk carefully.
Add and mix the walnuts and seeds.
Shape the dough on a floured surface.
#SpoonTip: You could make one large loaf or even bite-sized treats
Place on baking tray, score with a floured knife and sprinkle some salt, herbs and seeds. Dust with flour.
Bake for 30 minutes and cool slightly before serving the rolls warm.
#SpoonTip: When baked, the rolls should sound hollow when you tap the bottom.