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Baking at high altitudes: how to perfect your favorite treats

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at SCU chapter.

The art of making the perfect chocolate chip cookie, a correctly moistened muffin, or the softest and bounciest cake is an achievement some humans wish to master, in order to claim eternal bragging rights among the moms in your book club or school bake sale. But in order to do so, a true baking master must first understand how elevation affects the fluffy, velvety, whipped, wonderfulness that we all crave in a sweet temptation every once in a while (or every day). If you want your treats to be the talk of the town and you live in a city that is all the way (or partially) up in the clouds, follow these tips next time you’re in baking at high altitude:


baking terms flour cereal
Jocelyn Hsu

When baking at high altitude, flour adjustments depend on how elevated you are. When living in a city that is between 3,500 and 5,000 feet above sea level, you will add 1 tablespoon of flour to the amount the recipe calls for. At 5,000 to 6,500 feet add 2 Tbsp of extra flour (for my pals in Mile-high Denver, please use caution when baking whilst baked). 6,500 to 8,000 feet add 3 Tbsp extra, and finally for those of you at 8,000 feet or above (ALL the way up) add 4 Tbsp to your recipe.


cheap grocery list egg chicken
Jocelyn Hsu

A quick trick to add extra moisture your recipe of choice can be done through adding the desired amount of egg that the recipe already calls for. This will make an egg-ceptional difference! Sorry I couldn’t pass that one up…


When recipes account for increased altitudes, baking soda and baking powder are treated alike. When both are used in a recipe, make sure to make the suggested adjustments for both ingredients. The accuracy of the leavening is crucial with altitude increase.

When using baking powder/soda, for every 1 teaspoon in a recipe at 3,000 feet, decrease the amount by 1/8th teaspoon. At 5,000 feet elevation, decrease each teaspoon by between 1/8th to 1/4th tsp, and at 7,000 feet and above decrease by 1/4th tsp. 

what is baking powder chocolate cake
Isla Duckett

For each cup of sugar/corn syrup the recipe calls for, decrease by 1 tablespoon at 3,000 feet. At 5,000 feet decrease each cup by 2 Tbsp and at 7,000 feet and above, decrease each cup by up to 3 Tbsp.

For each cup of a liquid ingredient, add 1-2 Tbsp at 3,000 feet, 2-4 Tbsp at 5,000 feet, and 3-4 Tbsp at 7,000 feet and above.


Baking at high altitude rye bread pastry
Helena Lin

If you’re in the mood to make some homemade bread (great for impressing the boyfriend’s/girlfriend’s mom), you have to remember that fermentation of the sugar in bread is faster at higher altitudes. It may rise at 1/3rd to 1/4th  of the time required at lower altitudes. To ensure your bread is nice and moist, add about 3/4ths of the flour specified in the recipe, making sure the dough is still stiff. Before baking, allow the bread to absorb the moisture for about 10 minutes.


Baking at high altitude blueberry cookie
Spoon University

The texture of our favorite sweet treat can be improved by increasing the baking temperature slightly or by decreasing the amount of baking powder, baking soda, fat, and sugar. You can also slightly increase liquid ingredients and flour.


Baking at high altitude cake scone
Jocelyn Hsu

If you add a tablespoon of milk to each cup of flour and slightly reduce the baking powder, the quality of your biscuits will increase.


Baking at high altitude raisin muffin candy
Angela Kerndl

If your muffins seem dry, reduce the sugar by at least one teaspoon, but otherwise most recipes work at all altitudes.

Remember, all recipes within these categories may differ slightly so each recipe must be tested individually but as a general rule, these tips should improve the overall quality of your baked goodies. Happy baking!