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These Butter Balls Are the Holy Grail of Deep-Fried Foods

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Queen's U chapter.

It’s been about a month into the New Year and if you’re like me, you haven’t kept up with any of those damn resolutions. Like, at all. I would be a little more upset about this if my New Year’s resolutions involved something like getting a new place, overcoming a major fear, planning for a trip abroad, or even making any of these great food-related resolutions.

Oh wait, I’ve done those already. I guess it’s just the traditional resolution — the same old promise you make to yourself that usually doesn’t end up happening: eat less junk.

I’ve done some pretty great things in 2016 already, and I’m certain that you have too. But c’mon now, let’s take this one step at a time. We’ve got eleven more months to work on that pesky “eat less junk” resolution. So for the time being, you, my foodie friend, have got to try these fried butter balls. Yes, you read that right. Fried. Butter.

If you wanna treat yo self to one of the tastiest and simplest things since bread-n-butter, fry these little balls of buttery delight in some golden oil and ooze into the addictive crunchy and creamy combo.

Paige Weiler

Queen's U '17

Paige is an English and History medial at Queen's University class of 2017. Readings are more often than not accompanied with a steaming cup of tea. Intrigued by various cultures, she loves learning about them and trying their different foods -- she finds that the best way to travel without a plane ticket. One of her greatest pleasures is dressing up and dining out with friends or family. Although allergic to nuts and not a big meat-eater, her taste-buds are never lacking experience of flavours. Her pet peeves are not enough sauce, picky eaters, and closed-mindesness to the possibilities of the dining table.