Towards the end of my freshman year, while scrolling through Instagram, I came across a post about Skinny Coffee Club. I was instantly struck with curiosity – coffee and weight loss? Is this real life? So I started researching exactly what Skinny Coffee Club was. On their website, they describe themselves as a revolutionary weight loss program by changing your normal, every day cup of coffee into a fat burning and antioxidant boosting cup of coffee. Basically, all you have to do is drink a cup of their coffee in the morning and receive benefits such as weight loss, increased energy, increased metabolism, and more. Need I say more?

Photo by Colleen Hanson
I’m normally not intrigued by fad diets, rapid detoxes, or other radical weight loss programs, but if I drink coffee every morning anyway, why not try it out? I ordered the 28 Day Program and began as soon as I was home for the summer.
Before I talk about my results, I want to go over more details of my lifestyle for the 28 days I was drinking Skinny Coffee Club. Most other weight loss programs also require a special diet or exercise routine in order to achieve results, but Skinny Coffee club claims that it will work without diet or exercise. However, they provide an eating plan designed to compliment the rest of the program. I did not utilize this eating plan because I wanted to see if it would work without it.

Photo by Colleen Hanson
I consider myself to be a fairly healthy eater. I am a vegetarian, I avidly try to limit my sugar intake, and I practice portion control. But I am not a perfect eater. I will absolutely let myself indulge in a delicious bean and cheese burrito or a cup of frozen yogurt (with cheesecake bites, of course) – and I have no shame in that. Everything in moderation, am I right?
They also recommend not using milk or sugar in the coffee, but if you’re so not into black coffee, you can use coconut or almond milk and Stevia. I enjoy black coffee, and I tried mine black for the first few cups, but I wasn’t the biggest fan of the taste of this particular coffee. It wasn’t horrible – it just wasn’t my favorite. So I began drinking mine with a tiny bit of Silk Creamer and Stevia. Delicious. If you’re not into that, try other healthy creamer alternatives.
I also cheated a little bit (sorry – I will sit in the corner and think about what I’ve done) and mixed the Skinny Coffee Club grounds with the grounds of another coffee that I brewed. It was just more convenient for me to make all of my coffee at the same time since I generally find myself running around in the morning before work. There were also a few days I skipped because I was just running too darn late to make coffee. Believe me, those were rough days.

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Despite the flaws in my little experiment, I lost 6.2 pounds while drinking Skinny Coffee Club. I’d say that’s pretty impressive for not following the rules to a T. It was definitely a stress free way to shed some extra pounds. I’m sure if you followed their guidelines precisely, you’d lose a lot more weight than I did. But I am happy with my results because it was virtually no extra effort for me.

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However, when attempting any sort of weight loss regimen, make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons. Don’t hurt yourself trying to look “good” for someone else or to compare to skinny and photoshopped models. If you want to lose weight, do it to be healthier – not prettier. Do it to feel good – not look good. Even the healthiest of people have stretch marks and skin rolls when they sit down. I have stretch marks, belly rolls, and I most certainly rock a double chin. But I am not actively working to be a size 2 because I am healthy the way I am.