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At Home Social Distancing Daily Food Log

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at PSU chapter.

So, not to state the obvious but the world is in some unique and quite compromising circumstances at the moment. With the national self quarantine in full swing to keep ourselves and others as safe as possible it is important that we all stay home.

Which also means eating home for all meals. 

Hopefully everyone is with at least one quarantine buddy and is making the best out of the current situation with a healthy and active (as possible) daily routine. And if you are still going to work, thank you for all that you are doing. 

For me personally, I am no Gordon Ramsey. So, eating at home for all of my meals was quite daunting. Thankfully, I am surrounded by my family who happen to be full of wonderful cooks and can help me make the most out of a home cooked food routine. 

Hopefully my food log will give you some inspiration on some great at home recipes and ways to keep busy, productive and full while staying inside!


For me, breakfast hasn’t changed much at all. I am always an avocado toast with egg kind of girl. This has been my go to breakfast while at college and during my self quarantine. It is quick, easy and never disappoints. I highly recommend spicing up your toast with red pepper flakes and God’s gift to the earth, Trader Joe’s Everything But the Bagel seasoning. Thank me later.


Lunch has looked a bit different for me ever since moving back home from college; I actually have time to make something substantial. (There’s a plus!) I have been mixing it up daily with anything from veggie hummus wraps with a side of my favorite chips, tuna salad with celery, green onion and apples and even vegetable pot stickers with a side of edamame. At home lunch definitely beats a protein bar and smoothie on the go.


Not really sure if this counts as a snack but one word (that’s really hard to say), charcuterie board. Featuring a heavy glass of red wine and all of my favorite meats and cheeses. 

Christina Gonnella


Arguably the most difficult meal to make yourself but try and take this time at home to tackle a new recipe that maybe takes a bit more time. My family and I had the most fun making homemade pizza. The beauty of making it yourself: endless topping ideas. We went for a classic plain and a white pizza with ricotta cheese, parsley, garlic and mozzarella. 

Christina Gonnella


Lately, it’s been the most important meal of the day for me. Baking has become a huge stress reliever for me and my family and a way for us to come together and do something fun! Check out this homemade 5 ingredient nutter butter recipe for a quick and super easy treat. Made these yesterday and they’re almost all gone. Guess that means it’s time to try a new dessert recipe!

Christina Gonnella

I am not saying that we still can’t be supporting local restaurants and utilizing pick up or delivery services but we can take this opportunity to stay inside and bring family and friends together with the power of food! 

Stay safe, stay healthy and stay full of delicious food.

To learn more about how to stay safe against COVID-19 visit  World Health Organization or the CDC

Give me a cup of coffee and a good book and i'll be just fine