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Vegan Holiday Cookies You Didn’t Know You Needed

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Oregon chapter.

Perfecting the dish that you bring to holiday parties and potlucks can be quite stressful, especially when you are vegan and most holiday dishes aren’t! Luckily, most everyone loves a warm, soft-baked cookie after their meal. Following these easy recipes for Cinnamon Snickerdoodle and Peppermint Double Chocolate Vegan Holiday Cookies can score you a 10 on preparing a dish. It might even trick the guests too!

Following the recipes below will result in a pillowy texture perfect to snuggle up on the couch with. These dairy-free Vegan Holiday Cookies are perfect with a cup of non-dairy milk on the side too (Preferably vanilla oat milk, yum!).

Each cookie including prep time and baking will take approximately 30 minutes.

For the Chocolate Peppermint Cookies you will need:

– 2 cups all-purpose flour 

– 1/4 cup + 2 tablespoons Cocoa Powder

– 1/3 cup ground Flaxseed Meal (for replacement egg)

– About 1 teaspoon Salt (or for tasting)

– 1 1/2 teaspoons Baking Soda

– 3/4 cups Granulated Sugar

– 3/4 cup Brown Sugar

-3/4 cup Olive Oil

– 1/3 cup Water

– 1 1/2 teaspoons Vanilla Extract

– 1 cup Chocolate Chips

– 10 crushed Peppermint Candies

With all of these ingredients above, you will mix together in a large bowl the flour, cocoa powder, flaxseed meal, salt, and baking soda. After whisking together, set aside.

Next, in a medium bowl, stir the granulated sugar, brown sugar, olive oil, water, and vanilla extract.

Combine both bowls together until all ingredients are mixed thoroughly. Next, fold in the chocolate chips throughout the dough until thick.  

Scoop into balls and line onto a baking sheet. These cookies need to be baked at 350 degrees. It is important to time the cookies for exactly 12 minutes. This will keep the cookies soft so that when they cool they don’t harden. After they have cooled, crush the peppermint candies and sprinkle to garnish.

Vegan Holiday cookies
Marisa Campo

For the Snickerdoodle Cinnamon Cookies you will need:

– 1/2 cup Vegan Butter (of preferred choice, Miyoko’s is the brand I used)

– 2/3 cup White Sugar

– 1 Tsp Vanilla Extract

– 1 Tsp Apple Cider Vinegar

– 1 and 1/2 Cups All Purpose Flour

– 1 Tsp Cream of Tartar

– 1 Tsp Baking Soda

– 1 and 1/4 Tsp of Cinnamon

– 1/4 Tsp Salt (for taste)

– 1 Tbsp Soy Milk (Or any other non-dairy milk)

For Cinnamon Coating:

– 3 Tbsp White Sugar

– 1 Tsp Cinnamon

To make the dough, first add the butter and sugar until a creamy consistency has developed. Add in the vanilla and apple cider next.

Next add in the flour, cream of tartar, baking soda, salt, and mix by hand. This will ensure a crumbly dough. Add in the non-dairy milk so that the dough properly forms together. 

Set the oven to 375 degrees.

Roll the balls into the Cinnamon coating bowl to completely cover the dough in a sugar glaze. Now bake for approximately 10 minutes!

The finished product after about 10 minutes of cooling will result in the photo below. 

Vegan Holiday cookies
Marisa Campo

And wallah! The perfect Snickerdoodle cookies straight from the oven! 

These Vegan Holiday Cookies don’t take long for the flavor-packed taste they deliver, so get out there and bake them this holiday season! And for the non-vegans reading this, I promise, you won’t even notice the difference! 

Vegan Holiday cookies
Marisa Campo

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Marisa Campo

Oregon '21

Hi! My name is Marisa and I would like to say that I am obsessed with food, the science behind food, and the impact food has on every single one of us. Being Vegan for over a year now has outlined truth behind food for me, teaching me the benefit that each bite could have.. I want to write articles that inspire and teach! To introduce and excite through words to our fellow students.