If you’re a college student in the South, you’ve most likely been to Cookout at least once, either at 2 am for some much-needed drunchies or during the day for a gloriously cheap $5 tray. I can attest that a late-night Cookout milkshake has most definitely saved me more than once from a morning hangover.
With over 40+ milkshakes to choose from the decision of which to get is a tough one. Some choose to be safe by going with classics like chocolate while others are courageous and try out the HiC Punch or fresh watermelon shakes. Whether you’re bold or timid (or just drunk and really want a milkshake), here’s a list of what some of your ~fancy~ Cookout milkshake orders say about you.
1. Vanilla – A Bore

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You have bland tastes and/or you’re shy and don’t like experimenting. You may want to get out of your comfort zone and try new things (including new milkshake flavors that don’t taste like nothing).
2. Cheesecake (Any Flavor) – Sophisticated

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You aren’t a big fan of milkshakes but love a sophisticated cheesecake for dessert. You don’t have the resources to actually get a slice of cheesecake so a blueberry, caramel, cherry, choc chip, or strawberry cheesecake Cookout milkshake will have to suffice.
3. Cappuccino – Tired Always

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A coffee addict, you’ll always take up any opportunity to get more caffeine into your system, which probably contains more espresso than water.
4. Orange Push Up – Childish (but in a good way)

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A child at heart, the orange push-up milkshake reminds you of hot summer days as a youngin’, rushing out to the ice cream truck to get a refreshing popsicle with your parents’ fresh dollar bills. Ahh, those were the days.
5. Peanut Butter Fudge – The Best Kind of Person

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Since you appreciate the best combination to ever exist, chocolate and peanut butter, you must be a pretty great person yourself. You’re probably very friendly and easily approachable to other people.
6. Chocolate Cherry – A Sweetie

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Like this milkshake, you’re very sweet. You also like to add a bit of excitement to ordinary situations, just as the juicy cherries in this milkshake give some added delight to a regular chocolate one.
7. Oreo – All the Good Qualities

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Just like America’s favorite cookie, you’re probably America’s favorite type of person. Nice, caring, trustworthy, and down to share this milkshake with all of your friends. Your friends will think you’re an even better person if you buy them their own.
8. Pineapple – Carefree

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You’re a laid back person who (pretends) they have no worries. Most of the time you daydream about being on a tropical island and tend to ignore all other responsibilities until you get a wake up call from reality.
9. Egg Nog – Jolly

Photo by Kevin Del Orbe
It’s obviously December because this is the only time this milkshake is served, and even though it’s a bit chilly down South, you’re taking advantage of the only time you can get an egg nog milkshake from Cookout. Personally, I loathe egg nog so I would never order this one, but you are probably a very jolly person who loves spreading Christmas cheer (and milkshakes).
10. M&M – Mysterious

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Like this candy you put up a hard front on the outside but are sweet on the inside. You’re cool and mysterious or maybe you’re just shy.