Can you hear the crackle of the pork skin as you bite into it? The unctuous meat that just melts in your mouth? Are you sick of having to order this dish at a restaurant? Here is the way I make an unforgettable crispy pork belly at home without any fuss.
After a great deal of research, I have combined multiple methods of cooking this pork belly into what I deem the best method. It not only achieves a pork belly with beautifully crispy skin, but also soft and tender meat. How is one able to do this you may ask? Simple. By using the poaching liquid that the pork is cooked in as a braising liquid while leaving the skin exposed as it roasts.

Cantonese Pork Belly
Bring the water to a boil in a kettle and preheat the oven to 450ºF.
In a pot, combine the ginger, garlic, scallion, five spice, shaoxing wine, and soy sauce. Place the pork on top.
#SpoonTip: You can substitute the shaoxing wine for dry sherry or sake however it will be sweeter.
Cover the pork with water just off the boil. Poach the pork on low heat for 10 minutes.
Remove the pork from the poaching liquid and cool enough to handle.
#SpoonTip: Place it in a baking pan that is wide enough to hold the pork. It will be used later.
Using a skewer or a tooth pick, prick holes in the pork skin.
This will allow the fat to render as it roasts in the oven and for the skin to get crispy.
Rub the pork skin with a thin layer of oil and then sprinkle enough salt to form a thin layer on to of the skin.
Cover the baking pan the pork will roast in with tin foil. Cut out holes for the pork skin to show through.
Pour enough poaching broth in to the baking pan to cover the meat portion of the pork belly.
This will allow the meat to braise and stay tender as the skin becomes crispy in the oven.
Roast in the oven for 1 hour or until the skin is golden and crispy. Let the pork rest for 10 minutes and then serve it with dijon mustard as a dish.
The pork can also be served over rice with some of the poaching liquid.
#SpoonTip: Your apartment will more than likely become smoky. Be sure to watch the pork skin as it browns, all ovens are different.