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Make this Cantonese Crispy Pork Belly to Spice Up Your Sunday Roast

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at McGill chapter.

Can you hear the crackle of the pork skin as you bite into it? The unctuous meat that just melts in your mouth? Are you sick of having to order this dish at a restaurant? Here is the way I make an unforgettable crispy pork belly at home without any fuss.

After a great deal of research, I have combined multiple methods of cooking this pork belly into what I deem the best method. It not only achieves a pork belly with beautifully crispy skin, but also soft and tender meat. How is one able to do this you may ask? Simple. By using the poaching liquid that the pork is cooked in as a braising liquid while leaving the skin exposed as it roasts.

Helena Lin

McGill '17

Helena is in her final year studying Psychology at McGill. When not in school (which is as much as possible), you can find Helena recipe testing or exploring new cafes and restaurants in Montreal. Currently, Helena is also studying French cuisine at Le Cordon Bleu and is a food photographer for Foodora. "Some eat to survive, I survive to eat" - Helena Lin