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How to Make Classic Stuffing

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at McGill chapter.

Did you ever wish for a side dish you could whip together in no time, yet impress your friends with at a potluck? Well look no further because this year you can blow your friends’ minds with this Thanksgiving stuffing.


Gif courtesy of giphy.com

Not only is this stuffing recipe extremely easy and quick to put together, but it utilizes mostly pantry ingredients so you don’t have to break the bank. This recipe calls for a baguette, however feel free to use any bread you have on hand.

Helena Lin

McGill '17

Helena is in her final year studying Psychology at McGill. When not in school (which is as much as possible), you can find Helena recipe testing or exploring new cafes and restaurants in Montreal. Currently, Helena is also studying French cuisine at Le Cordon Bleu and is a food photographer for Foodora. "Some eat to survive, I survive to eat" - Helena Lin