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Jerk Fried Shrimp You Can Make in Your Dorm Room

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Marist chapter.

I wasn’t born a master of jerk fried shrimp. In fact, for the majority of my youth, I was designated to two roles in the kitchen: the consumer and the cleaner.

When I went away for college, these roles drastically shifted. Quickly, I began to regret the decision I made to go away. Mommy and daddy would not be there any more to whip me up the delicious recipes I had come to love in my childhood. And even though home was only an hour and a half away from school, constantly paying a $30-40 fare did not match up with college student budget. Needless to say eating out every day of the week was out of the question.

By force, I had to learn how to cook. I started creating my own meals using some of the old recipes my parents used, but mainly a lot of my dishes were created out of curiosity (and trial and error) using whatever ingredients I could find in my pantry and fridge.

I did a lot of experimenting with different seasonings and stumbled across this delicious recipe for jerk fried shrimp. Now it’s your turn! With the help of my recipe and your creativity, you can create your own zesty seafood dish. Follow the steps below, adding your own favorite flavors along the way if you like, and you may just surprise yourself like I did.


Jerk Fried Shrimp

Difficulty:BeginnerPrep time: 5 minutesCook time: 10 minutesTotal time: 15 minutesServings:2 servings



  1. Photo by Jamelia Thompson

    Clean the portion of shrimp you are going to be using. (I recommend using lemon juice or fresh lemons instead of just rinsing with water.) Then add your seasonings.

  2. Photo by Jamelia Thompson

    Bread your seasoned shrimps with flour in a separate container. Using a container with a lid helps to make sure that the shrimps are fully coated. Just cap and shake!

  3. Photo by Jamelia Thompson

    Pour some olive oil into a pan and put the stove on medium temperature. Carefully, place each shrimp into the pan. Wait about 1-2 minutes to flip the shrimps over to the other side. Check to make sure that each side has a nice golden color. For ten minutes, gradually toss the shrimp around in the pan so that the inside meat can get fully cooked.

  4. Photo by Jamelia Thompson

    Drain the oil and plate the shrimps on top of a paper towel to help soaking up any remaining grease.

  5. Photo by Jamelia Thompson

    Serve as a snack with any preferred tartar sauce or serve as a meal with any precooked boxed rice.

  6. Photo by Jamelia Thompson

    Eat up! You just became a chef.

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime.” ― Mark Twain