Leaves are falling, students are hangry and Thanksgiving break is the only glimmer of hope college students have for getting a decent meal before finals. Nothing encompasses the feelings this holiday brings quite like bitmojis. Follow the Thanksgiving stages (the good, the bad and the hungry) from the insanely early hours to the long-awaited pumpkin pie. There’s a Bitmoji for everything.
When your mom wakes you up before 10am to start Thanksgiving festivities
But you remember all the food you’ll have soon
Then you have to get in the car and drive to your family’s house
Or spend all day getting ready to host
Then you start watching the football game
And realize you’d rather be watching the dog show
When you can smell the aroma coming from the kitchen
But are forced to spend time talking to people before you can get any
And your aunt asks how your love life is going
And about your grades
And what your plans are after graduation
Then you finally get to sit down at the table
And your cousin Billy takes the last crescent roll
But then grandma brings out the other pan
And you spend the next hour eating seconds and thirds of foods
And then you realize there’s still dessert
Then it’s bed time after a hard day of eating
Then your 5am Black Friday alarm goes off and it’s bargain time
And finally, everything’s over and it’s time for finals week
Hang in there, Christmas break is only two weeks away. Good luck on finals, be sure to take a study break and make a Bitmoji if you haven’t already.