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4 Reasons You Should Apply for Spoon Kansas 2016

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at KU chapter.

Calling all passionate #foodies. We are looking to grow our Spoon chapter for 2016, which means the hunt is on. If you like yummy food, making killer connections, challenging yourself, and having fun, then apply to be apart of Spoon University-Kansas!

1. You Get to Show off Your Skills

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Photo by Allan Mai

You’re work is being viewed by an insanely huge audience. The top contributors of spoon are getting over 500,000 page views. This is awesome for not only the writer, but the photo and marketing team as well. Each article needs at least 80% original photos, and the marketing squad is responsible for getting that link to go viral. Every team member is equally important in making our chapter shine. We need the best of the best, and that means you.

2. The Three F’s: Food, Friends, and Fun

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Photo By: Lauren Gracey

We’re a publication created to discuss all things food. We write about food, we talk about food, we plan events around food, and best of all, WE GET FREE FOOD ALL THE TIME. Check out our website, Instagram or Twitter to see what I’m talking about. Also, you’re going to meet so many awesome people.

We have chapter bonding events, and we’re always out in the community making connections. Being part of Spoon is hella fun, you guys. I wouldn’t be writing this article if I didn’t love the experience I’ve had with it so far. From writing about food and hosting events, to learning way more than I ever would have expected about publishing, photography, and marketing, I’ve had fun in every aspect.

3. It Looks Great on a Resume

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Photo courtesy of @SpoonUniversity on Instagram

Whether you want to be a writer, photographer/videographer, or a marketer, showing that you have experience working with a team, publishing, planning events, using social media strategically, taking unique photos/videos, and so much more, looks killer on a resume. Spoon is featured in lots of magazines and blogs all of the time. It’s pretty legit. Saying you were part of it is a major talking point with future employers.

4. You’re Strengthening The KU Community

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Photo By: Hannah Bettis

You get to bring people together in the name of food. How awesome is that?

There are so many great benefits to being apart of Spoon Kansas. We hope this encourages you to apply!

To apply, simply click this link to get started with Spoon Kansas.

I'm a food lover and a health-nut. I am passionate about people and life!