Many towns, cities, and small communities have an event called: taste of (insert town name here). These events are usually comprised of 10-30 restaurants letting you have a bite of their food, and maybe some alcohol tasting if you’re 21 and up. These taste of the town events are often a fundraiser for a cause in the community. Basically, this is a win-win situation– tasting new food and helping a cause in the community. The tickets for this event are usually anywhere from $15-$30 and you leave stuffed with delicious food. Here are 10 tips for a taste of the town event, it surely won’t disappoint.
Arrive early
Did I mention this is all about food? What good foodie would arrive late to a food-centered event? Get there early. Many times restaurants have their food hot and ready to go which means you can start crossing off restaurants while the food is still hot. This also may mean getting a bigger portion size because those handing out the food haven’t seen the crowds yet.
2. Have a plan
Before you and your group of friends ever get to the event you should know what the plan is. This means knowing who is riding with who because parking for these events is usually limited and scarce. You should map out which restaurants you want to go to and basically start at one end of the restaurants and go to the other end. You don’t want to be running back and forth all over town.
3. It’s okay to skip restaurants

It’s totally fine to skip over certain restaurants, especially if it’s something you’ve eaten at 1,000 times or a chain restaurant like Subway. There are often filler restaurants for pickier eaters, or kids attending the event. You don’t have to eat at every restaurant, trust me your pants will thank you.
4. Bring a bag
Don’t go without a bag of some kind. I recommend something that is easily accessible, so you can have your hands free for food. At these events, many times restaurant owners are there giving away freebies, which is why you want to make sure your bag has a pocket that is easily accessible so you can say yes to all the free cozies, hats and coupons.
5. Try something new
Never tried a restaurant on the list before? Never tried that cuisine before? Well go ahead and try it! You’ve already paid for it so you have nothing to lose. These events are a great way to try out dishes you normally never would have, we all get stuck in our ruts of ordering our usual dishes. Branch out try some new food; you might find a new favorite food.
6. Wear good walking shoes
These events require a lot of walking– I tracked over 2 miles on my Fitbit. Therefore, this is not the time to start breaking in those cute heels, rather go with a comfy pair of shoes, appropriate for the occasion.
7. Dress for the weather
Dress for what the weather is and not what you want it to be. If it’s cold, dress for the outside weather, not the weather in the restaurants. You will only be trying the food for a short amount of time inside, and back outside to the next venue you go. If it is a summer event though I recommend sunglasses and breathable clothing. Also, no need to wear your tightest pants, you’re about to stuff your face, wear clothes with a little room.
8. Keep your group small
This one may seem mean but it’s true. The bigger a group gets the more complicated things can get. Keep your group at a max of five people. This makes it so that good conversation can happen but, you won’t be losing people and you won’t be that massive group every restaurant hates. This group size also allows everyone to fit in one vehicle and most likely everyone will be able to go to their favorite restaurant on the list without much fuss.
9. Don’t be Shy
You’re around people who love food too! That or they love the cause the food is supporting. Strike up conversation with those in line with you. Not everyone is friendly, but many are and it’s always a good time talking with other fellow locals.
10. Stay positive
Wait, how is it difficult to stay positive about food? Many times, the lines get long, your feet get tired and some eateries run out of food. It’s all okay though, stay positive and stay pumped even through the heat or the cold.
These tastes of the town events can be fun and really bring a community together. Don’t think this is just for old people or parents or that it is an overrated event. It is a great way to help a cause in your community and try some tasty food.