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How to Make a Mason Jar Shark Attack Shot

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at JWU Providence chapter.

This shark attack shot is perfect if you are looking to impress your party guests with something they’ve never seen before, or just want some fun to yourself — just make sure you don’t get bit. Shark Week can bring it.

#SpoonTip: Layering shots is all about alcohol densities. In order to make sure that they don’t mix, you need to make sure that the alcohol with the highest density goes on the bottom, and you work your way up with the following layers.

Here are the alcohol densities that we worked with, from bottom to top:

  1. Grenadine: 1.18
  2. Blue Curaçao: 1.11
  3. Green Apple Smirnoff Vodka: 0.916
Nicole is a junior at Johnson & Wales studying Baking & Pastry Arts and Sports/Entertainment/Event Management. Although she loves to bake, she doesn't like to eat a large majority of sweets, and prefers to give it to friends. She is an Instagram-guru (follow her - @nicole_alberta) who is looking for a career in special events management with a focus on food, and has a passion for food writing and photography.. Her pet peeves include people who chew with their mouth open, or when people take food off of her plate (seriously, don't do it).