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A Review of Burger King’s New Lucky Charms Milkshake

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at JHU chapter.

As a cereal lover as well as an ice cream fanatic, when I saw a sign while driving by a Burger King advertising their new limited time Lucky Charms milkshake, I couldn’t resist. For a while now I’ve been drooling at Instagram food accounts for the BlackTap and BlackTap-inspired shakes. Who wouldn’t want a fancy milkshake aesthetically topped with doughnuts, cookies, sprinkles, etc.? 

Anyways, when I saw Burger King was making this step, I immediately praised them for the attempt, even before the taste test. Kudos for following the trends on this one. For some reason, the cereal and dessert mashup sounds super pleasing, as others have obviously already caught on (see below). But, this really shouldn’t be surprising to me since I usually have a bowl of cereal as my late night snack. 

As soon as I mentioned this limited time menu item to a friend, we were in my car within five minutes. If that’s not a true friend, I don’t know what is. So, we pulled up to the drive-through to order this 107-gram-of-sugar-containing beauty to put it to the test. Not that anyone is trying to calorie count in a situation like this, but that is four times the recommended daily sugar intake for a women my age and size. Yikes.

To be honest, after several mishaps with attempting to order a Shamrock Shake, at competitor McDonald’s, and leaving empty handed, I was pleased when my order went through no problem. Moments later, we were handed the shakes that were visually a bit of a let down. As you can see, it looks like a regular vanilla milkshake, with literally one rainbow sprinkle. 

Lucky Charms Milkshake chocolate dairy product
Julia Slisz

Fortunately, it tasted a lot better than it looked. We had to park after going through the drive-through to focus on consuming this special shake. Neither of our reactions were “OMG”, but we also weren’t let down. It was pretty good, just not the-best-milkshake-I’ve-ever-had good. The base was a little too sweet for my liking, but the Lucky Charms did make it pretty great. Unfortunately, I think most of the cereal ended up at the bottom, so it wasn’t spread out evenly throughout. 

The end was definitely the best part, though. Because most of the cereal was at the bottom, it was prettier and tastier. It was more like the end of your cereal bowl, but instead of milk, it was melted ice cream, which, YUM. 

Lucky Charms Milkshake ice ice cream
Julia Slisz

Would I get it again?

Probably, but only if I was craving something super sweet. During this BK visit, I saw a sign advertising 50 cent soft serve cones or dishes, which I might be more keen towards getting as it’s obviously a great deal and about 1/7 of the price of the Lucky Charms milkshake.

Should you try it?

If you’re even considering it, then yes. It is only available for a limited time so you don’t want to miss out. And in general, why not try any food that sounds remotely good? 

If you want to try to make this on your own, check out this SpoonU article that outlines a recipe to make a similar and super easy shake at home.