The other day, I found myself sitting in my living room, trying to do homework but instead daydreaming about what I wanted to make for dinner (priorities, I know.) I was torn between two really great choices: protein pancakes or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Both are usual staples in my diet, and both sounded equally delicious. As I sat on my couch, procrastinating my evening away, it struck me: why not go where no woman has gone before and make PB&J protein pancakes?
These delicious and nutritious pancakes are not only super tasty, but they’re really filling because of the high level of protein in them. Added bonus: they’re extremely quick and easy to make, which is what all of us college students are about. I think our moms would be proud.

PB&J Protein Pancakes
Pour the pancake mix, protein powder, and water into a medium sized bowl. Stir, leaving the batter a little lumpy.
Divide the batter into four small pancakes on a large pan or skillet. Cook on low-medium heat until the pancakes have bubbles on the surface. Flip. Cook the other side until it has a golden brown appearance.
Start creating a stack of pancakes. Place the first pancake on a plate, add nut butter and jelly on top.
Add the next pancake, add PBu0026J, and continue to stack the cakes this way. When you have a beautiful, jelly-leaking stack, dig in.