I’ll admit it: I love the Kardashians. I follow all of them on Twitter and Instagram, I played Kim’s Hollywood Game religiously my senior year of high school, and a break from college isn’t really a break without binge watching episodes I’ve missed.
Recently, all the sisters (Jenners included) have created blogs where they post about random things in their daily life. For example, Khloe constantly posts about her fitness routines and her OCD-organized pantry while Kim posts selfies (what else is new?).
However, the sister whose blog really inspires me is Kourtney’s. Kourt is an extreme health nut. Not only does she eat organic, but she is completely gluten-free. She really watches what goes into her body, and I really admire her for that because I struggle to do that as a college student. One day as I was skimming the web, I came across her protein pancakes.
As a woman and athlete, I know I don’t get nearly enough protein in my diet. This recipe not only gives me the protein I need, but also fills me up for a long time. Not to mention, it’s relatively low in calories and sugar. But more importantly, it tastes pretty dang good if I say so myself. Here’s the recipe for Kourtney Kardashian’s pancakes. Let’s get flipping!

Kourtney’s Protein Pancakes
Place all the ingredients in a blender. Blend until smooth.
Pour into a non-stick griddle/frying pan and cook until golden brown. Flip and cook the other side.
Top with a drizzle of maple syrup!
Like normal pancakes, feel free to spice it up with anything you like. Some chocolate chips would be sure to sweeten them up, or you can add some pecans or walnuts for that extra protein punch. If you’re not a maple syrup fan, add some fresh strawberries and bananas and drizzle over top of it with some honey. Pancakes can get kind of dry, so be creative with your toppings.
So start eating like a Kardashian because you’ll feel like a Kardashian in no time!