Shake your friends awake. Sound the alarm. This. Is. It. In case you were not aware, the fourth and final installment of The Hunger Games, Mockingjay Part II is coming out nationwide on November 20th. We finally find out the fate of its beloved characters Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark.
If you want to celebrate like a real fan, skip the popcorn and make these two *peeta* pockets that you can easily slip into the movie theaters. They’re delicious, filling, easy to conceal, and obviously Katniss approved.

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The “Reaping” Peeta Pocket
Cut the pita or flatbread open.
Spread the hummus generously on the bread.
Fan out the sliced carrots evenly.
Add the other ingredients, making sure not to overfill.
Eat the pita pocket right then and there or slip it into a ziplock bag to take to the theaters.

The “I Volunteer as Tribute” Peeta Pocket
Cut the pita or flatbread open.
Spread the peanut butter generously on the bread. You can switch out the peanut butter for a spread of your choice (Nutella, cookie butter, etc.).
Slice the banana.
Fan out the banana.
Sprinkle on your favorite cereal.
#SpoonTip: I used Cracklinâ Oat Bran for the cinnamon-y crunch.
Eat the pita pocket right then and there or slip it into a ziplock bag to take to the theaters. Enjoy.