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Easy 2-Ingredient Probiotic Homemade Butter

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Harvard chapter.

“Homemade butter” sounds like you’re going to have to pull out a butter churn and put on your Little House on the Prairie bonnet, but we swear this is super trendy. It happens to be really easy to make (no churn required), and homemade butter can provide some added health benefits. But also can we #MakeChurningSexyAgain please?

Modern health fads tell us to fear butter, despite all the creamy deliciousness. While it is true that butter is high in fat and cholesterol, cultured butter actually has some benefits. What is cultured butter? Well, it went to Oxford and has great table manners. Just kidding, it contains live bacteria that break down some molecules like lactose. These are the same bacteria that are destroyed in the pasteurization process, but they can be helpful in digestion.  

Now that we feel better about eating butter, let’s make it! There are a few different ways to make butter, but this is the easiest and most accessible way.  If you can’t get your hands on some straight-from-the-cow raw cream, here’s an easy way to do it with good old grocery store whipping cream.

Cultured Butter

Difficulty:BeginnerPrep time: 24 minutesCook time: 30 minutesTotal time: 54 minutesServings:8 servings



  1. Margaret Ross

    In a mason jar, combine cream and bacteria. Cover in a paper towel secured with a rubber band, and let sit at room temperature for 24 hours.

    If you live in a warm place, it could take less time. If you live in the tundra, maybe give it two days.

  2. Hello welcome back! It is now tomorrow and your mixture has thickened to a sour cream consistency. Refrigerate that for at least a couple hours, or overnight.

  3. Margaret Ross

    Put your chilled bacteria cream in a mixing bowl with a whisk attachment, and whip to the consistency of whipped cream. Once it becomes a little grainy after the whipped cream stage, slow down your mixer and if your stand mixer has a cover, attach it. #SplashZone

  4. Margaret Ross

    Your butter is now separating into butter and it’s pancake-friendly cousin buttermilk. Strain everything out and save that buttermilk for a fun recipe later.

  5. Next is washing the butter. First, draw a hot bath and add some bubbles. Jk, jk. Cultured butter jokes. LOL. Add cold, filtered water into your mixer with the butter and mix, then pour off the water. Repeat this until the water comes off clear.

  6. Squeeze out every last bit of water that you can using a spoon or a spatula. A cheese cloth would be handy for this, or try spreading the butter onto parchment paper and folding it over itself to push out liquid.

  7. Margaret Ross

    After rinsing and squeezing out your butter, you can add any flavorings you like. I split mine into two jars, and mixed try herbs, salt, pepper, and garlic into one, and just sea salt into the other. Try adding your favorite spices or honey! It can be stored easily in mason jars and will last 1 to 2 weeks refrigerated.

Next up is making some fluffy buttermilk banana bread. If you’re a big fan of fermented foods, these recipes are for you.