For a while now, food trucks have been an incredibly popular stop, not just for a quick bite, but also for gourmet, delicious tasting food. Food trucks are particular popular in cities, like Boston, New York City, Washington D.C., San Francisco and Austin. And, you can get more than just hot dogs at these truck stops. Food options include pizza, grilled cheese, smoothies, burgers, and many different international foods.
What do big cities and pedestrians street diners have in common? Dogs. That’s right, many owners bring their pups with them to food trucks, and companies like Fido saw this as an opportunity to open a new market, to dogs.

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Dog food trucks, like Austin’s Bow-Wow Bones, can be found around Austin’s dog parks and offers gourmet treats for dogs. Who would of thought. Doggie food trucks are just like dog parks, but better because there is food.
Personally, I think a next step should be joint people and dog food trucks. That way pups and their owners can enjoy a meal together, and maybe even meet new people. I am imagining real life tinder with food and dogs.
So if you love food, and you are looking to feed your dog as well as you feed yourself, you should find the nearest doggie food truck immediately.
This new trend only leaves me with one question, what about the cats?