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5 Fruits That Have a Bad Reputation But Are Good For You

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Guelph chapter.

Growing up, I’d constantly be picked on for eating “weird” fruits that have bad reputations since they don’t fall in line with more commonly known fruits. What many people are missing out on is the nutritional value that comes with eating these “weird” fruits. Here are some benefits that come from eating these fruits. 

1. Durian (The Stinky Fruit)

outrageous foods durian pasture
Michelle Yan

If you ever need to ward off people, bring some durian. Durian, also known as the King of Fruits due to its crown-like features,  has a potent smell that not everyone is fond of. Despite its potent stench, durian is rich in dietary fibre, Vitamin C, B-complex vitamins, and tryptophan (an essential amino acid). Dietary fibre helps protect the colon from exposure to toxins, and the vitamins help replenish the body’s health. Tryptophan, also known as “nature’s sleeping pill” helps produce serotonin and melatonin when metabolized; resulting in a good night sleep. 

2. Longan (The Eyeball)

These are one of my childhood favourites – although my classmates who had never seen it before called it an eyeball! Similar to the lychee, you eat the white fleshy part (careful of the pit in the middle), and it has a sweet taste to it. With such a sweet taste, you’ll just keep on coming back for more. Here are some benefits of eating longan. It has around 40% more Vitamin C than an orange, and it helps enhances the brain (cognitive and memory).  Despite the longan being a tasty fruit, it doesn’t have any outstanding nutritional benefits (only Vitamin C) compared to the other fruits.

Longan has a high fructose content, so you can’t eat this fruit in mass amounts, especially if you are diabetic.

3. Kumquats (The Orange Grape)

Did you know you can eat the skin of the kumquat? Kumquats are a low-calorie fruit rich in antioxidants (Vitamin A, C and E). They also have a high water and fibre content which makes kumquats a good fruit to eat for help with weight loss. It also has the benefits of causing improvement in stomach digestion, gas relief, skin health and more. 

They also strengthen your bones, nourish your hair and teeth, and increase your energy levels. Like any other fruit, they do have sugar in them so it’s a good idea to consume them in moderation.

4. Dragon Fruit (Looks Good, Tastes Bad)

fruits dragonfruit sweet
Alex Frank

Dragon what? When I gave my classmates dragonfruit to eat one time, they were very confused by how it tasted. Then again, when most people first encounter dragon fruit they don’t really know how to eat it, let alone what it tastes like. Most people have the expectation that since the fruit looks good, its taste is going to pack a punch which isn’t always the case. The dragon fruit has a stunning fuchsia pink exterior, and in my opinion, it has a sweet taste just like longan. The dragon fruit has little carbohydrates and is rich in antioxidants like Vitamin C and B’s.  This helps boost the immune system and since the fruit has little carbohydrates, it makes it easier for digestion.

Similar to the longan, dragon fruit has a high content of fructose which means that it’s unhealthy to consume this fruit in mass amounts, especially if you’re diabetic.

5. Pomelo (Lemon Wannabe)

Often confused for a lemon or grapefruit, pomelo is a citrus fruit that I’d traditionally eat during the Chinese New Year. At first glance, it seems very dry and tangy when not fully ripe, however, despite the poor appearance, pomelo has a high nutrient content as it has Vitamin C, potassium, dietary fibre, vitamin B6, and magnesium. These will help minimize stomach problems (digestion) as well as improve overall health.

Since pomelo has high levels of vitamin C and potassium, it could be hazardous for patients with liver or kidney conditions, or hypotension (low blood pressure). 

These five fruits were a staple in my childhood (especially during Chinese New Year), however, they always had a bad reputation due to the unfamiliarity of the fruit. Hopefully, you fear these “weird” fruits a little less now! 

 I consider food to be one of my best reliable friends.