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5 Ways to Get Your S’mores Fix All Year Round

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Georgetown chapter.

You know when you really want s’mores but there’s no campfire around? Well, there’s only a few options available to you:

  1. Find a campfire.
  2. Build a campfire.
  3. Make these awesome, campfire-free s’mores treats.

We think we know which option is the clear winner. So read on if you want to go to flavor town with these ooey, gooey, delicious s’mores desserts all year round.

Brittany Arnett

Georgetown '19

Editorial Director of Spoon Georgetown. Lover of almond butter, babies, and breakfast buffets. Eats way too much avocado toast.
Hailey Maher

Georgetown '19

Talents: finishing a whole watermelon in one sitting