Ever heard a T-Pain song come on and immediately felt the urge to break it down? I know I have. I mean lets be honest we all head to the dance floor (or perhaps the bar) when “Buy U a Drank” comes on. However, this time we’re heading to the kitchen to share some of the lime light with “Mama Pain,” who made an apearance on Food Network’s new hit reality show “Clash of the Grandmas.”
Clash Of The Grandmas
While binge-watching Food Network one night I came across none other than, T-Pain’s mom cooking on prime time television. She was featured on Food Network’s “Clash of the Grandmas,” where grannies compete in the kitchen for a chance to win ten thousand dollars, and bragging rights of course.
Spoiler alert: she won.
“Mama Pain” and T-Pain are Tallahassee natives which means that this is a huge win for not only Tally’s music culture, but now its food culture too.
The episode titled “Granny Family Food Fight” was all about three generations coming together, and each round was inspired by their children and grandchildren. The competition consists of three rounds, which all led up to Mama Pain’s victory.
Round 1: Pot Pie
The grannies had to cook up a pot pie that was tasty, and reflected the flavors of their heritage. Oh yeah, and the grandmas also had help from their sons and daughters.
Sadly, T-Pain did not make an appearance in the kitchen, but his sister was flown out to LA to help her mama make an award- winning pot pie.
Round 2: Brunch
The grandmas created a topnotch brunch which had to include their grandkid’s favorite colors. Mama Pain’s colors were orange, yellow and purple, and not gonna lie she was a little thrown off by the purple. However, she obviously pulled it off with a chorizo sausage quiche which included yellow squash and orange bell peppers, and paired it with a yellow mango salsa with red onions — which are actually purple so it counts.
Round 3: PB&J

This round was Mama Pain’s claim to fame — she stole the show (literally) with her PB&J inspired dessert with a Caribbean twist. Peanut butter and jelly is every kid’s favorite combo, and Mama Pain nailed it by adding flavors of the Bahamas like coconut and allspice.
Mama Pain brought home the gold for Tally’s food culture, with her bold Caribbean flavors and cozy soul food style. She even flirted with one of the judges who she thought was “so handsome,” and spiked her mango salsa with one or two (JK, like seven) shots of Sake.
She was such a hit, rumor has it she may even be getting her own cooking show on Food Network — so stay tuned for more Mama Pain coming your way.