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Five Jobs To Assign Your Cousins Who Can’t (Or Won’t) Cook On Easter

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Fairfield chapter.

I have a lot of cousins – hi guys! Since the youngest one is six, and the majority of us college kids specialize in ramen noodles, there are very few cousins helping in the kitchen. That being said, when twenty-four family members gather for Easter, everyone has to pitch in somehow. After all, if you can’t devil eggs you better be ready to hide them. If you come from a big family here are a few jobs to assign your cousins who lack the skills, or blatantly refuse, to cook.  

1. Pie Protector   

picnic-friendly recipes sweet pastry
Grace Nguyen

Anyone who has ever baked a pie knows that the crust tends to be the trickiest part to make. Because it is such a tedious task, nothing is more devastating than when the crust burns. My cousins are very talented, but baking pies is not a skill set that many of them possess. This, however, does not mean that they can’t apply their talents to pies in other ways.

The perfectionists of the family can monitor the pies until they are a perfect golden brown. Despite the age old saying, “it’s as easy as pie” baking a pie is not all that simple; this is why it never hurts to have a pie protector near by.  

2. Drink Distinguisher 

Easter ice yogurt
Jocelyn Hsu

There is a 17-year age gap between my oldest and youngest cousin so it is essential that all cups are labeled to separate the lemonade from the special lemonade. Although a Sharpie will do the trick, if you want to spruce things up you can try scratch labels to make the job a little more enticing.   

3. Center-piece Creator 

Mashed potatoes will always be delicious but they are extra festive when they are beside an appropriately themed center piece. Several creative cousins can tackle this fun task and test out Pinterest’s latest DIYs. Your craftier cousins will adore this task! The table must be set so this holiday make sure it is set with flair. After all, who doesn’t love it when his or her napkin is folded to look like a bunny? 

4. Easter Egg Hunt Hider 

Photo by Autumn Mott | Unsplash
autumnmott on unsplash

Besides the meal of course, the Easter Egg Hunt is definitely the highlight of the holiday. It is always fun to watch the little ones (and one of the college freshman) scavenge the yard for those bright plastic eggs that house coveted chocolate and jelly beans. The Easter Bunny obviously fills our baskets in the morning but the older cousins run the egg hunt. Those who can’t devil eggs (or if I’m being honest scramble or fry) are in charge of hiding the plastic ones.

In my family egg hiders take their jobs very seriously; if you want Easter eggs to surface around the 4th of July try hiding them in the gutter.     

5. Crescent Roll Roller 

Easter meat butter
Jedd Marrero

The cousins who have basic culinary skills are allowed to handle, and I mean handle in the literal sense, this food favorite. Despite the fact that it comes from a can, no one can deny that nothing beats a flaky crescent roll. These delicious delicacies are worth fighting for – and when it comes to who gets the last one, those fights qualify for WWE. 

Food has so many great qualities but one of my favorites is that it never fails to bring my family together. I am very excited for us all to celebrate together. I hope that these tasks are helpful and that you get the last crescent roll this Easter! 

Zoë Smith

Fairfield '20