Blue Donkey Coffee is a company based in Atlanta, Georgia. They have several pop-up locations and attend various Atlanta Farmers Markets. What makes their delicious craft iced coffee different than all the other brands out there is the process they use. Blue Donkey’s craft coffee is locally roasted weekly with 100% Arabica coffee beans and uses fresh local milk from Southern Swiss Dairy, a family-owned farm in Georgia.
Emory students are #blessed to have Blue Donkey come to our Farmers Market every Tuesday. Blue Donkey’s stand has by far the longest line and biggest hype week after week. You may think college kids will drink anything that has a caffeine fix, which might be true, but if you have the chance to have something that tastes good, then why not?
Here are the Blue Donkey iced coffee flavors ranked in the opinion of Emory University students:
9. Parry Raspberry

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Less than 2% of Emory students like Parry Raspberry. Parry Raspberry is made with real raspberries. It has a subtle raspberry taste, so if that’s up your alley, give it a try — but according to Emory students, every other flavor is better.
8. Pumpkin Harvest

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Pumpkin Harvest is made with real pumpkin and natural spices. Emory students tend to like this flavor in the fall due to the deep pumpkin flavor. It makes us feel as if we are experiencing cooler autumn weather, yet we’re still drinking iced coffee. According to the survey, Emory students are not into flavored coffee, but if that’s your thing, don’t let us steer you away.
7. Tear Jerker

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If you love the intense flavor of coffee, then Tear Jerker is for you. Blue Donkey describes this flavor as, “an intense extra dark roast craft iced coffee.” If you think you can handle it, be sure to give it a try.
6. Blue Donkey Pure Brew

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Blue Donkey Pure Brew has zero sweetness and toned acidity. Don’t think anyone knows what that means, but hey, 7% of Emory students like it.
5. Chocolate Brigadeiro

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Chocolate Brigadeiro is a smooth coffee with deep cocoa notes. Emory students have described it as chocolate milk infused with coffee, so if you’re not really a coffee drinker but you want to pretend to be, definitely try this flavor to help ease you into the coffee world.
4. Summer Almond

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Summer Almond is said to be one of Blue Donkey’s most popular flavors. It is a balanced coffee made with natural real almonds.
3. Blue Donkey Light

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Blue Donkey Light is similar to Blue Donkey Original, but a little less sweet with a lighter body. If you feel like you need your coffee fixing but don’t have enough calories to spare for the day, choose Blue Donkey Light.
2. Blue Donkey Original

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Blue Donkey Original is the classic recipe that the company started with. It is a balanced coffee with toned sweetness and a smooth finish. This is my personal favorite, so you should try it because I’ve been told I always order the best thing on the menu.
1. Four 65

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Four 65 is Blue Donkey Original on steroids. It has all the “flavorful characteristics” of Blue Donkey Original, but has a stronger coffee taste. Fun fact: the flavor is named Four 65 because that is the temperature at which they roast the beans for this iced coffee.
If you have not tried Blue Donkey yet, you are seriously missing out. So check out their website and use the promotion code BLUE10 to get 10% off your first order.