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I Tried Polar’s 5 Limited Edition Summer Seltzers So You Don’t Have To

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Duke chapter.

It’s 2018 and everyone’s obsession with zero calorie flavored seltzers has not slowed down a bit. Over the past few years, there’s been a definitive movement away from high-sugar sodas towards a healthier fix of fizz in the form of seltzer. They’ve even found a way to make bubbly water alcoholic. With their trendy flavors, brands such as La Croix will forever be the face of the great seltzer craze that swept through college campuses nationwide. But this summer, Polar is proving once more that it is not just a less glamorous version of La Croix with five limited edition summer seltzers that are pretty darn bougie. Available in adorably designed cans and bottles, these special flavors are practically made to be enjoyed on the beach.

Raspberry Rosé

limited edition summer seltzers
Kristen Siegel

Don’t be fooled, Polar did not create their own spiked seltzer (yet?). There is no real rosé in this seltzer. In fact, there is really no taste of rosé either, but I guess you’ve got to get that alliteration in there somehow.

That aside, the raspberry rosé is my definitive favorite of all of the Polar limited edition summer seltzers. The raspberry flavoring is strong enough that flavored-seltzer-cynics won’t be able to complain that it’s tasteless, and it’s not terribly sweet and fake tasting either. In fact, this seltzer is so refreshing that I’ve already started stocking up for when it’s no longer on sale.

Blueberry Tangerine

limited edition summer seltzers
Kristen Siegel

Before tasting this seltzer, I don’t think I’d ever had a blueberry flavored drink and I honestly had no clue what to expect. Blueberry flavored anything is always either a hit or a miss, so I knew that this flavor could go either way.

What I got from this seltzer was something that was a lovely cross between a blueberry muffin and a tart tangerine. The hint of citrus is the perfect compliment to the sweetness of summer’s favorite berry. I’ll admit, I initially thought it would be a weird combination, but I have seen the light and will definitely be drinking more of the blueberry tangerine seltzer this summer. 

Pineapple Lemon Twist

limited edition summer seltzers
Kristen Siegel

I expected myself to like the pineapple lemon twist. In fact, pre-taste test, I boasted that it would probably be the best flavor. Pineapple is one of my favorite underrated fruits and I rarely drink water without dunking a few lemon slices in it, so this flavor should’ve been a huge hit for me. Then, I smelled the pineapple flavoring.

Artificial fruit smells generally make me a bit queasy, especially when the smell at hand is practically identical to the odor of cheap, flavored vodka. One whiff of the pineapple scent in this seltzer and I was ready to throw the whole bottle away. With some serious willpower, I managed to take a few sips, but only to confirm that I will never be able to drink this flavor of seltzer. However, if you haven’t yet been scarred by the poison that is pineapple vodka, give this one a try. My mother claims that it is delicious.

Mango Cherry Bliss

limited edition summer seltzers
Kristen Siegel

Mango cherry bliss was another miss for me. Whatever mango flavoring might have been in there was completely masked by the aggressive taste of cherry cough syrup. Seriously, Polar, you couldn’t have used any other cherry flavoring than “medicine your mom made you drink as a kid?” Truthfully, the only good thing that came out of testing this flavor was seeing the reactions of my parents when I forced them to suffer through a cup of it with me. Let’s all just pretend that this one isn’t for sale and have another glass of the raspberry, okay?

Cucumber Melon

limited edition summer seltzers
Kristen Siegel

For the record, I’ve always found the taste of cucumber to be revolting. When I saw that one of Polar’s five limited edition summer seltzers was cucumber flavored, I wanted to call off the entire taste test. Still, on the off chance that the watermelon flavoring would be more prominent, I decided to push forward. Unsurprisingly, the cucumber melon seltzer was just as bad tasting to me as I thought it would be. 

For people who don’t consider cucumber to be in the top five grossest foods on the planet, this flavor is apparently delicious. I myself am quite content to never drink it again. 

limited edition summer seltzers
Kristen Siegel

While certain flavors were definitely not my cup of tea, overall Polar has created a bright and summery collection of seltzers perfect for those hot days spent baking in the sun. A refreshing change up from their normal, more traditional, seltzer flavors, these five limited edition summer seltzers are sure to be a hit at bonfires and barbecues everywhere.