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The 5 Best Foods to Chow Down On at the Wells Fargo Center

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Drexel chapter.

If you live in Philly, you probably love sports. And beer. And cheesesteaks. Also, chances are you’ve been to a Flyers game, Sixers game, or a concert at the infamous Wells Fargo Center in South Philly. While we’re all still trying to #TrustTheProcess, we also need to remember our Philadelphia roots and #TrustTheCheeseSteak

Wells Fargo Center amateurs always go for the giant pizza slice from Lorenzo and Sons, but you don’t want to get caught chomping on that giant piece of cardboard and cheese. If you plan on attending a game, be sure to check out these top five foods!

5. Rita’s Water Ice 

Or should I say wooder ice? This classic Philly treat will keep you cool if you work up a sweat from yelling “COUT!” at Couturier or “The Flyers are going on the PECO POWER PLAY!”

4. Box O’ Popcorn 

Wells Fargo Center salt goody
Laura Palladino

Those amazing red and white striped boxes filled with salty goodness pair amazingly with a 24 oz. Can O’Bud Light. The box also doubles as a beer holder. Once you finish about half of the popcorn, pop your can into the box and you’ll have a free hand for swinging your rally towel!

3. Chickie’s & Pete’s Crab Fries and Cheese Sauce

Wells Fargo Center chicken chips
Mia Fratto

A South Philly classic—never forget about the cheese sauce. Also, how amazing are the little cheese container holders (not pictured) that latch on to the Crabfries tub? I hope the person who invented that has a patent.

2. Shake Shack Burger and Fries 

Wells Fargo Center ketchup tomato
Erin Arnold

Three cheers for Shake Shack accessibility to all! Look at this beauty—the ruffles of the romaine, the perfectly sliced tomato, the squishy golden bun, and melty cheese contour. Yum.

1. A Campos Cheesesteak 

Wells Fargo Center bacon cheese
Erin Arnold

Though this baby is not as beautiful as the cheeseburger before, you can not sing “10-9-8-76ers!” at the top of your lungs properly unless you have a greasy piece of shredded meat hanging from your mouth.

I hope you enjoy the fine “five-star” dining that you can delight your tastebuds with at the Wells Fargo Center. If you happen to score passes to the actual fine dining restaurant in the Center, The Cadillac Grill, be sure to tell Larry The Bartender that I sent you.

Or if you can score floor level seats at a Sixers game, the free cookies they pass out during the fourth quarter are AMAZING (if you can afford the minimum $800 charge per seat, nbd).

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