Being a broke college student comes with perks sometimes. Stop missing out on deals and check out where you could be taking additional savings. Student discounts are all over the place so get your ID’s ready.
1. Spotify
If you’re a big music fan like me, this one is pretty exciting. Spotify has a current promotion going on for just $5 a month for Spotify premium and Hulu. (May vary by school)
2. Goodwill
For my fellow thrifting fans: Every Sunday, students get 10% off at checkout with a valid student ID.
3. AMC Theaters
Every Thursday, students can get a discounted ticket prices with a valid student ID. (May vary by location)
4. Chipotle
Present your student ID at checkout and receive a free soft drink with your meal. (May vary by location)
5. Top Shop
All students get 10% by presenting their student ID at checkout or by registering online. So go ahead and grab that new pair of kicks you’ve been eyeing, you’ll get 10% off.
Click here to learn about more student discounts.