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This Blueberry Pancake Pull-Apart Bread Will Revolutionize Your Breakfast

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at DePaul chapter.

Flipping blueberry pancakes can be quite the mess, and who has the time to wait for bread to rise? What’s not messy or time consuming to make is the hybrid of both these carb treats: Blueberry Pancake Pull-Apart Bread

Kind of a mouthful to say, especially when your mouth is munching away on this crispy delight. Honestly-time: Before making this recipe, I was a little skeptical of how pre-made biscuit dough, blueberries and syrup would actually make bread that tastes like a Sunday morning pancake. But my doubts were soon shattered when my kitchen began smelling like a bakery and upon opening the oven, I was met with a beautiful golden loaf of pull-apart bread.

The simplistic beauty of this recipe is that with the addition of blueberries — or chocolate chips if you want to go super sweet — and syrup, your average pre-made biscuits are transformed into pancakes that taste way better than any pancake I’ve ever made.

#noshame if you get lost in this treat and end up eating the entire loaf 🙂