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How to Make Tacos out of Food Court Ingredients

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Dartmouth chapter.

It’s that time of the term. Everyone is stressed about finals and all everyone wants to do is eat. But there are two clashing problems: 1. Students are sick of Foco* food and 2. They have too much DBA to spend their own money on takeout. But have no fear—there’s a solution! Next time you are looking to spice things up without spending “real” money, just gather ingredients from Foco and make your own delicious tacos! Hopefully this will satisfy your hunger and keep you sane until you return home.

*Dartmouth Lingo: Foco is our term for the Class of 1953 Commons (Food Court). This recipe is easily adaptable to any college dining hall salad bar so get your creative juices flowing.


Photo by Amanda Fritz


Prep Time: 10 minutes (depends on how long Foco lines are)
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes

Servings: 2 (but easy to scale depending how much ingredients you gather)


Photo by Amanda Fritz


1 piece meat from Foco (I used grilled cod, but you can use grilled chicken, tofu, veggies—whatever DDS is serving that day!
1 scoop roasted corn from salad bar
1 scoop edamame and corn salad from salad bar
tortilla (I bought 6″ tortillas from the Co-op, but you can grab a large 12″ from the sandwich line and cut it in half)


Photo by Amanda Fritz


1. Go to Foco and get takeout. In those carefully timed 15 minutes you have to get food, gather the above ingredients and anything else that floats your boat. They’re your tacos and you have a large takeout container to fill. Get creative!

2. Back at home, cut the piece of meat into small pieces.

3. Lay out tortilla and place cut meat on top.

4. Top meat with roasted corn and edamame and corn salad.

5. Chop lettuce and tomato.

6. Place the chopped lettuce and tomato on top of the taco.

Optional: Garnish with slice of lime or a tasty sauce.

Happy Finals. Just think of all the food from home you’ll be grubbing on once you finish. Now that’s an incentive to study hard and finish strong.


Photo by Amanda Fritz

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Amanda Fritz

Dartmouth '16