Spent all your money on beer and Franzia? Too broke for a trip to Pine for classy brunch? No significant other to take you for a swanky date out on the town?
Never fear: you can now make a decadent three-part brunch for one (or for two or more if you’re “social”) in the comfort of your own kitchen. You can even wear your pajamas while you eat (I won’t tell).
These portions are perfect for all you single ladies (and gents) who don’t need no man (or woman) in order to enjoy a Sunday brunch. Skip the line at Lou’s and try out these easy, delicious recipes that’ll satisfy all your cravings.
Better still, you can buy all the ingredients you need at CVS (I was surprised too) and make your #lifegoals a reality.
Sweet Course: French Toast
In France, they eat French toast for dessert and call it pain perdu, which translates to “lost bread.” I think everything you could eat for dessert can and should be eaten for breakfast, so I’m more than willing to find this poor lost bread and give it a permanent home: my stomach.

Photo by Tarika Narain
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 10 minutes
Servings: 1

Photo by Tarika Narain
2 slices of bread
2 eggs
½ cup milk
1 tablespoon sugar
½ teaspoon vanilla
½ teaspoon cinnamon
Optional: powdered sugar, maple syrup or jam for toppings
1. Crack eggs into a pie plate (or any pan-shaped container) and mix in the milk, sugar, vanilla and cinnamon. Stir until evenly distributed.

Photo by Tarika Narain
2. Heat your frying pan and grease with your oil of choice (PAM, olive, canola, etc.)
3. Dip your bread into the egg mixture, making sure both sides are fully soaked. Then place your bread slices in the pan until the egg has fully cooked and the edges of the bread start to brown. If you have extra egg batter left over, scramble it to make a cinnamon-y snack while you wait for your French toast to cook.

Photo by Tarika Narain
4. Sprinkle or spread on your topping of choice (I used powdered sugar) and enjoy. No need for sharing.

Photo by Tarika Narain
Savory Course: Egg in a Hole
Despite the strange name, this dish absolutely kills the brunch game. At the end, you get not only a delicious egg but also a dainty circle of toast that you can slather in jam. I added a side of bacon as I firmly believe that life is better when bacon is nearby, but it’s very easy to replace with avocado, turkey bacon, veggie bacon (though I do not know what this is and do not trust it) or kale if you’re feeling particularly masochistic.

Photo by Tarika Narain
Prep Time: 2 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 7 minutes
Servings: 1

Photo by Tarika Narain
1 slice of bread
1 egg
2 rashers of bacon (or half an avocado or any other side your heart desires, including more bacon)
1. Cut a hole in the bread (use a glass for the best results).
2. Put your junk in that bread. Just kidding! That comes later. For now, heat and oil a frying pan.

Photo by Tarika Narain
3. Place your bacon in a separate frying pan and cook until desired crisp level (or cook it before the egg in the same pan because doing the dishes is dumb).

Photo by Tarika Narain
4. Put your bread “window” in the pan and crack an egg into the hole. Place your cut-out bread circle in the pan to toast.
5. Once your egg solidifies, flip the toast-egg creation and cook as long as you’d like (the longer it cooks, the harder the yolk will be). For perfectly runny yolk, I recommend 30 seconds.

Photo by Tarika Narain
6. Serve with bacon on the side and jam on the toast circle. A complete brunch. Or in this case, part two of three of a complete brunch.

Photo by Tarika Narain
“Healthy” Course: Oat-mazing Oatmeal
If you’re the type to order the porridge at Lou’s, this is the dish for you. Light, healthy and filling enough to keep you going through a long, exhausting day of Netflix. You also can stretch your creative mind by adding as many toppings as you desire: chocolate chips, banana, Nutella or even Oreos (dream big).

Photo by Tarika Narain
Prep Time: 2 minutes
Cook Time: 9 minutes
Total Time: 11 minutes
Servings: 1

Photo by Tarika Narain
1 cup water
½ cup instant oatmeal
Optional but recommended toppings: Milk, brown sugar, craisins, apple slices. Treat yo’self.
1. Boil the water in a pot. Add oatmeal and stir. Cook for 1 minute.
2. Microwave alternative: Mix oatmeal and water in a microwavable bowl. Microwave for 2 minutes (careful that the oats don’t explode). Stir before serving.
3. Add the toppings of your dreams.

Photo by Tarika Narain
Now you’re all set to enjoy your very own brunch made only from CVS’s finest. I hear they also have André and Keystone, so why not make a boozy brunch out of it? Bacon goes extra well with a side drink. And more bacon.

Photo by Tarika Narain
Looking for more delicious brunch recipes? Try these: