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3 DIY Face Masks to Brighten, Cleanse, and Soothe Your Skin

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at CSU chapter.

School, part-time job, internship, family, social life…the list goes on. Personally, these and numerous other stressors in my life trigger my normally happy skin into becoming some dry, irritated, pimply warzone. Luckily, my skillfulness in the kitchen has extended to my ability to whip up some crazy good face masks for any skin problem I might currently be battling. Read on to discover the DIY face masks I use to combat dull, acne-ridden, and even dry skin.

Dull Skin: Brightening Lemon-Strawberry Mask

dIY Face Masks jam sweet
Torey Walsh

You need:

6 strawberries

1 tablespoon of lemon juice

1 tablespoon of honey

What to do:

Wash and dry your strawberries. Place them in a small bowl and mash them with a fork. You want a jam-like consistency — not too runny, but not too chunky. Afterward, mix in your lemon juice and honey (you might need to add/subtract more juice or honey to get the perfect consistency). Apply to clean, dry skin. Place a towel on the floor behind your head and lay down on it to catch any possible sticky drippings. Leave on for 10–15 minutes, rinse with lukewarm water, and gently pat dry.

Acne-Ridden Skin: Cleansing Oatmeal-Honey Mask

dIY Face Masks oil
Lauren Hughes

You need:

1/4 cup of old-fashioned oats (quick oats are not optimal for this mask)

1 tablespoon of lemon juice

2 tablespoons of honey

What to do:

Put your oats in a blender and blend until they reach a powdery texture. Place in a bowl and squeeze your lemon juice in. Heat up the honey in the microwave for a few seconds (the heat lets your pores soak up the mask better) and mix in. Again, mess with the juice and honey amounts to make the perfect consistency. It should be goopy and smearable, but not runny.

Rub the mask on your face and leave on for 10 minutes. Over a sink, wet your hands and massage the mask into your skin, allowing the oats to exfoliate your face. Do this for about a minute, then rinse with cool water and gently pat dry with a clean towel. This mask makes a little extra, so store it in your fridge and it should be good for about three days.

Dry Skin: Soothing Cucumber-Avocado Mask

dIY Face Masks vegetable avocado
Becca Holstein

You need:

1/2 a cucumber

1/2 an avocado

1-2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel (preferably from the actual plant, but the store bought stuff works too)

What to do:

Peel your cucumber and place it in a blender. Cut your avocado in half and scoop one half out into the blender. Add your aloe vera gel, and pulse until you reach a smooth consistency. Apply to clean, dry skin and leave on for 15 minutes. Rinse with cool water and moisturize immediately after.

These face masks should help your skin heal and your confidence grow, but remember that for any skin problem, taking care of your body and mind is always more important than any face mask. Make sure to drink at least eight glasses of water a day, get plenty of sleep, and eat wholesome foods like fruits and veggies instead of processed food. When faced with stress, try to calm your mind by going for a walk, taking a bath, or doing some yoga.         

Environment-focused food nut who hopes to share the message that food can be yummy, healthy, and sustainable all at once!