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Our Quick & Easy 101 Guide To The Different Meatless Diets

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at CSU Fullerton chapter.

If you have been scrolling through “food-Tok” like I have, you may have seen various recipes, cuisines and creators that cater to different dietary restrictions and needs. Especially the different ‘-tarians’. Below is a guide on the different ‘-tarians’, the foods they eat, and who knows? Maybe you will be inspired to eat different types of foods and cuisines.

But most importantly, consuming and enjoying the foods you love and feel good about is most important. Listen to your body and eat foods that make your body feel more energized and awake.

different diets sweet potato sweet
Megan Prendergast


Following a vegan diet means not consuming any meats or products that come from animals. Vegans do not eat dairy products, eggs or honey, and avoid products tested on animals. Whether someone turns to an all-vegan diet due to environmental concerns, not wanting to support animal exploitation or for health reasons, it is important to be supportive of one’s food choices and different diets.

Furthermore, animal products and products tested on animals are everywhere – from clothing, accessories, makeup and bathroom products. Thus, it is crucial to thoroughly research which products and items are 100% vegan and cruelty-free.

Examples of vegan foods and products:

– Vegetables

– Fruits

– Grains, nuts, seeds

– Legumes

– Meat replacements (tempeh, tofu, beans, Beyond Meat alternatives)

Fiber cereal wheat
Jocelyn Hsu


On the other hand, vegetarian means not eating meat or fish. Vegetarians still may eat dairy products, eggs and honey. It may be argued that vegetarian dishes are easier to find and cook, especially for those who have limited access to certain foods and grocery stores.

When it comes to different diets, of course nothing has rules and regulations. Listening to your body is most important and eating healthy foods that you enjoy, but also are good for your health is essential.

Examples of vegetarian foods:

– Fruits

– Vegetables

– Grains, nuts, seeds

 – Meat replacements

– Honey

– Dairy

– Eggs

different diets salmon fish
Jocelyn Hsu


An easy way to remember what are pescatarians is that they are like vegetarians, except that they do eat fish. Pescatarians do not eat meat from land-animals, but eat fruits, veggies and ocean creatures.

If you are looking to reduce red meats in your diet, trying pescatarianism is a great place to start! Fish, especially salmon are rich in fatty acids and omegas that give you energy to get through your day.

– Fruits

– Vegetables

– Grains, nuts, seeds

– Fish/sea creatures

– Dairy

– Eggs

– Honey

food hot takes apple juice
Santina Renzi


A new type of “-tarian” is flexitarian. This is a diet that encourages plant-based foods, but they may eat animal products in moderation. This type of diet is perfect for those who want to try out a different diet, like the plant-based lifestyle without the commitment of saying they are fully vegan or vegetarian!

When it comes to the flexitarian diet, there are no ‘rules’ set-in stone. Although, it typically encourages consumption of meat, dairy and egg products to be consumed less frequently.

Furthermore, this guide is to help you have an idea of what exactly these types of diets are and their differences. Everyone should include healthy fruits, veggies and healthy fats and oils in their diet – but the foods you enjoy and love to consume are up to you. Continue reading our articles to gain more information and fulfilling recipes here! 

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Samantha Tran

CSU Fullerton '23