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Survival Guide for Your Single & Dusty Self This Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at CAU chapter.

Valentine’s Day is almost here. The time to spread love, buy fancy dinners, and do things for that special someone that you’re supposed to do all year round. We know how all of that goes ,but what about the single people who don’t have that special someone to go out with or buy gifts for? Well keep reading, because I am going to give you a few tips for having the BEST Valentine’s Day Ever….alone. 

Valentine’s Day is almost here. The time to spread love, buy fancy dinners, and do things for that special someone that you’re supposed to do all year round. We know how all of that goes ,but what about the single people who don’t have that special someone to go out with or buy gifts for? Well keep reading, because I am going to give you a few tips for having the BEST Valentine’s Day Ever….alone. 

1. Food

Fast Food cheese chicken
Sam Jesner

Now, we all know that food plays a huge part in Valentine’s Day. From the candy and chocolates to the reservations at nice restaurants! Take the time to set up a reservation for ONE. Get to know yourself and eat at one of your favorite restaurants.

2. Go Shopping 

Treat yourself. Retail therapy is the BEST therapy. Who needs a boo when you have a new pair of shoes? 

3. Chocolate

Indulge in the the sales of Valentines Day treats but not too much because Spring Break is right around the corner!

3. Movies and Shows

Single popcorn chocolate
Andrea Leelike

What would “me time” be without a binge-worthy season of your favorite show? 

4. Turn Off Your Phone

Single coffee tea
Rebecca Block

Not only is this a great way to tune the world out and focus on yourself ,but an even better way to avoid all the sappy relationship post you may (or may not) want to see. Put your phone down and enjoy yourself as you would if you were in a relationship. 

5. Enjoy Yourself

Have you ever really taken time to truly bask in the excellence that is you? You may know yourself ,but do you take time to enjoy every aspect that is you. This Valentine’s Day I challenge you to do the things you truly enjoy. 

Valentine’s Day is the day of love. Just because you don’t have a special someone does not mean can’t love yourself. Use this day to treat yourself and live your best life.  

I love writing. I love God for giving me the ability to do so. I'm excited to see myself grow and learn in my field.