I know, I know, I get way too many ideas from TV shows. This, however, is different; this idea I got from a movie. More specifically, The Simpsons Movie. Remember that scene where Flanders makes Bart that insane hot chocolate?
Well, it gave me some ideas.
And then I started thinking of “the fluffernutter” (a popular New England sandwich; think a PB&J but with marshmallow fluff instead of jelly), and how, if I combined these ideas/ingredients, I could make the greatest hot chocolate ever.fluffernutter twist is totally optional, this hot chocolate will still be delicious without it).
#SpoonTip: The fluffernutter twist is totally optional, this hot chocolate will still be delicious without it.

Simpsons-Inspired Fluffernutter Hot Chocolate
Prepare hot chocolate according to directions.
Add 1-2 squares of dark chocolate to hot chocolate, stir until it is melted in the hot chocolate.
Stir in peanut butter (optional).
Top with marshmallow fluff and crushed candy.
Add in cookie(s).