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8 Foods Nutrition Students Try to Eat Every Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Arkansas chapter.

We all have that friend who’s a dietetics major or is super hip when it comes to all of the latest and greatest health food trends. Mine happens to not only be a dietetics major, but also a nutrition buff. Even in the dorm room, she would whip up tasty protein snacks late at night. Needless to say, she was never the one eating What-A-Burger late night. On a hunt for tasty and healthy treats, I interviewed her and the owner of the @foodthatloves Instagram account for some nutritional insight. For those of us who have no idea why we need to be eating collagen or what the latest superfood craze is, here are some basics that should be on your plate daily.

1. Lemons

Magic Tea lemon citrus
Caroline Liu

Growing up, I thought lemons were usually just something I viewed as garnish or a way to make my water taste better; but, when I got to college, I learned they can do so much more. Lemons not only aid in digestion, but they can also be used to boost your body’s metabolism. So starting the day off with a glass of ice cold lemon water or a cup of hot water and lemon can help wake your body up and get its systems going.

2. Smoothies

Nutrition cake sweet
Maggie Gilligan

Whether you prefer your smoothie in a bowl or a cup, a smoothie is the perfect vehicle for foods that pack a punch. Add in some spinach to a peanut butter banana smoothie and you will only taste the PB goodness. Or mix in flax seeds for healthy Omega-3 fatty acids. A personal favorite of mine is adding some chia seeds for some much needed fiber. 

3. Eggs

Sunday sweet cake
Caty Schnack

Everyone knows that a poached or an over easy egg makes for the best Instagram, #yolkporn, am I right?. But did you know that eggs are full of protein and have 9 essential amino acids in them? So for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, try some avocado and egg toast or make a delicious scramble. 

4. Avocados

Many doctors agree that avocados are one of the best sources of good fats. That means they are high in Omega-3 fatty acids. Not to mention, they taste wonderful and can be used in a variety of ways. Whip up an easy guacamole or make some killer breakfast tacos with them. Just be sure not to let them get overly ripe or you will end up with brown mush. 

5. Digestive Powder

Digestive powder seems to be the latest health craze on social media, so when I asked around I found out that this stuff is a must-have if you’ve got tummy problems. As the name suggests this powder can be added to your usual smoothie and it actually helps aid the digestive process. With all the processed foods out their, our colons can take a beating, so this just helps your digestive system get back on track.

6. Veggies

Nutrition onion salad
Dylan Barth

There is nothing wrong with the good old classics. Seriously, you can’t get enough of them. Veggies should be a part of your plate every day. They are packed with vitamins, and they provide all-important fiber to your diet. So make sure you choose them in a rainbow of colors and roast them, steam them, or grill them to flavor perfection. 

7. Chicken 

Nutrition salad chicken breast
Jackie Kuczynski

Chicken can totally be boring if done wrong, but show it a little extra love and it can make any meal extraordinary. It’s a staple for a reason, and with so many recipes on Pinterest there are a million ways to spice it up. If you need help, try having some Balsamic Chicken and Veggies, or maybe whip up a helping of Honey Garlic Chicken. Protein, protein, protein – this is what chicken is all about. Protein is key every day to be at your best.

8. Collagen

I will admit that when someone says collagen I usually think “what in the world are you talking about?” But when people are talking about adding collagen to their smoothies and yogurt, they’re actually talking about the peptides that build new collagen in your body. So if our bodies make these normally, why are we adding extra these days? The reason is that these proteins are usually stripped from our food before it even gets to us. These peptides are the building blocks for your bones, joints, and even your hair and nails. 

So during your next trip to the grocery store or on your next Whole Foods run, make sure that your basket is filled with a least a few of these nutritionist-approved foods. But, always make sure that before you join the bandwagon on any new health trends, you check with your doctor or nutritionist a ring and make sure it’s real and right for you!