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Waffle Cone vs Sugar Cone: How Different Are They?

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at American chapter.

You wouldn’t think it, but there are so many questions involved in ordering ice cream. First you have to start with the flavor. Then you have to choose the size and toppings. The true dilemma comes when deciding on a cone type. Completely ignoring wafer cones (because come on, who gets a wafer cone), waffle cone vs. sugar cone?

I know someone who goes to get ice cream but only gets a waffle cone to eat. That’s weird right? Regardless, here’s the differences between waffle cones vs. sugar cones:

Here’s the scoop on sugar cones

substitute for vanilla extract cream ice
Emily Genzer

When I’m serving ice cream at work and someone tells me they want a cone, the first thing I ask is if they want a pointy or flat one. This is the pointy one. A sugar cone is made with flour, brown sugar, vegetable oil shortening, oat fiber, artificial flavor and soy lecithin. These cones are made with a solid round edge so that ice cream is stacked up. Sugar cones are smaller than waffle cones, but also sturdier. They are also generally mass produced.

What’s the deal with waffles?

Waffle cones are the cones that are generally made in-store. Every person that enters the ice cream shop I work in comments on the smell of the waffle cones. Not even going to lie, I go home from work smelling like waffle cones. These cones are made with flour, salt, eggs, sugar, butter and milk.  Little do ice cream consumers know that waffle cones contain more sugar than sugar cones. Maybe they should rename these cones to More-Sugar-Than-Sugar Waffle cones. These cones are also often more fragile than sugar cones, making it harder to get the scoop heights we really and truly want. 

Next time you go get ice cream, take the time to think about your cone options. Whether you get hard ice cream or soft-serve ice cream, waffle or sugar cones, always remember that wafer cones are the worst. 

Maddy McGunagle

American '19

A sucker for grapefruit seltzer.