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Taking Vyvanse Unprescribed Has Repercussions That Aren’t Just Physical

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Alabama chapter.

Whether it’s two Advil for a minor headache or Vyvanse for ADD/ADHD, taking any medicine always comes with at least a little risk. Generally speaking, I’m all for taking risks, but some risks are riskier than other risks, such as taking Vyvanse without a prescription.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a condition caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain and/or genetics, amongst other various factors. Common ADHD symptoms include an inability to focus, follow directions, listen, and sit still. It is often treated with a prescription drug called Vyvanse. 

Vyvanse is a central nervous system stimulant that comes with many pros and cons. The most obvious pro is that it helps you focus. I was prescribed Vyvanse when I was a sophomore in high school and my grades sky rocketed. But the pros didn’t outweigh the cons and it’s not something you should mess around with. There is so much about it that you probably aren’t aware of.

Vyvanse should not be taken casually, like for studying for an exam or for weight loss. Getting a prescription usually (not always) requires an EKG and sometimes bimonthly blood tests to ensure that your body is compatible with it and to determine the dose you should be taking. The tests check for any pre-existing conditions or health problems (like high blood pressure) that might lead to some pretty serious side effects, like shortness of breath, fainting, or circulation problems (yikes). Who needs that negativity in their life?

Most people are aware of the side effects that Vyvanse tends to have on our bodies because a lot of them are rather common and obvious. For example: insomnia or severe loss of appetite. When I was prescribed, I would lie awake in bed for hours on end, even if I woke up at an ungodly time that morning. It cut my appetite in half, and even my favorite foods seemed unappetizing and I ended up losing a lot of weight in one month. I’d pay good money to lose that in one month nowadays, but 16-year-old me didn’t need to. 

Most people aren’t aware of the fact that most prescriptions take about two weeks to start working in full effect, and Vyvanse is no exception. Thus, if you feel like you’re more focused after taking it one time you’re probably experiencing placebo effect. Yes, you may experience some of the side effects, such as an increased pulse, cotton mouth, or the jitters, but it’s not actually working in full swing yet. Don’t waste your time. Eat something healthy and get a good night’s sleep to help you focus.

Don’t even get me started on intentionally taking Vyvanse before you drink. Alcohol is a stimulant that slows down brain activity and Vyvanse is a stimulant that speeds up brain activity. The two stimulants clash. Vyvanse may reduce the sensations of intoxication, which could lead one to drink more without realizing the amount of alcohol that’s in their body, which could lead to alcohol poisoning. 

Because you aren’t feeling as drunk as you normally would while not taking Vyvanse, it’ll make you want to drink more than you usually need to become drunk. You’re wasting money and calories that could be going to more productive things (like this cake). Taking any medicine while drinking is bad for your liver, particularly Vyvanse. The gif shown below displays the only Ron Swanson quote I’ve ever disagreed with.  

In addition to all the negative physical effects Vyvanse can have on your body, distributing a controlled substance is illegal. It’s actually a felony. By extension, if you consume an illegally distributed controlled substance, you have just committed a crime that could be deemed a felony as well.

If you really do have that hard of a time focusing on your studies, look into getting a prescription. If you acquire a prescription, you can take Vyvanse every day while knowing that you’re not doing any harm to your body. So do as you please. I won’t judge, I ain’t your mama. Just don’t say I didn’t warn ya.

@spoon_bama's Editorial Director and Tuscaloosa's biggest clinomaniac | #suhfood | insta: @k8spl8