
Warm Thoughts, Warm Drinks

It is the peak of the winter season, which means you probably are not going to want to run out to Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks for that hot beverage. Luckily, you can warm up by making these simple and delicious hot drinks at home.

Mulled Apple Cider

Photo by Mary Kate Coonan

Apple cider is a refreshing drink cold, but can definitely be heated to beat the chills. Mulling cider allows you to add other flavors to the drink such as cinnamon sticks, cloves and even sliced oranges. Place these ingredients in a pot with the apple cider and cook to a simmer. Serve immediately after for a classic winter drink. (Hint: You can do the same with cranberry juice).

Extra-Rich Hot Chocolate

Photo by Mary Kate Coonan

Forget making those watered down hot chocolate packs with fake marshmallows. You can easily make a more rich and creamy hot chocolate with just a few simple ingredients. Heat a cup of milk and a 1/4 cup of half and half until hot to the touch. Stir in a 1/4 cup of chocolate chips until melted and blend. Pile on real marshmallows and maybe some chocolate shavings. Warm up with pure decadence!

Mocha Coffee

Photo by Mary Kate Coonan

For a little sweet kick to your coffee, simply add unsweetened cocoa powder, sugar and milk. You can even throw a shot of espresso in there for an extra jolt of caffeine to stay awake in class. This drink is perfect for those who are not a fan of the intense flavor of coffee, as the cocoa mellows out the taste, but also enhances the flavor.

Now, there is no need to wait on that ridiculous Marshall Street Starbucks line this winter. Become your own barista!
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