The tediousness of the work week makes everyone salivate for an unlimited margarita extravaganza. Why not pair that tequila with a delightful concoction of Mexican food and make a day out of it? Follow the doctor’s orders and whip up some authentic Mexican street tacos that will transport your tastebuds on a whirlwind adventure full of zest and spice.
As Keegan-Michael Key would put it, these tacos are ‘a delight to the senses!’ So plug in your iPod, power up your speaker device, fuel up the stove, and prepare those fresh ingredients. ¡Salud!

Vegetarian Street Tacos
Slice up the onions.
Heat a pan at medium heat with a little olive oil, add onions when hot.
Slice nâ Dice round 2:
Cut up your mini peppers into even smaller slivers. Add them into the pan with the onions and let them sizzle.
Let those gals sautee in the pan for about 20 minutes. If you want to give your mouth a tasty surprise, squeeze a lime onto those sizzling bad boys.
Stir occasionally so they donât burn.
Crack open a can of black beans and pour them into a separate pan on low heat. Heat, stirring occasionally, for about five minutes.
After heating, grab a fork and start mashing.
#SpoonTip: I highly suggest blasting your favorite Enrique Iglesias song while doing so; the beat of the music will facilitate efficient bean mashing.
Take the onions off the stove and admire how good looking they are.
Warm the tortillas by placing them in a pan on low heat.
#SpoonTip: wrap tortillas in a towel to keep them warm and fresh.
To assemble:
Fill the tortillas with all the goodies you just cooked. Take a good look and bask in the glory of the sexiness radiating out of those tacos.