We all know that all of the end of school festivities can take a lot out of you. Between finals, hitting the bars, and half-assing moving out, it’s hard to find the time or effort to squeeze in a decent meal.
This bomb quinoa salad is packed with superfoods that will give you the boost you need in order to get yourself back to feeling fresh and energized for all of your summer adventures (or internship, whatever). Superfoods are great for your body in so many ways, you can even check out this quiz to see which one you should be eating.
And if it doesn’t make you feel better, it will at least make you sound healthy AF. Not to mention this recipe makes about 10 servings so you can share it at a dinner with friends, which is something you should definitely do if you haven’t.

Quinoa Power Salad
Bring water to a boil then add the quinoa. Cook on medium heat with a dash of salt and drizzle of olive oil for 20-30 minutes.
After you cube the squash, toss it in a medium bowl with the juice from 2 lemons, salt, pepper, and a drizzle of olive oil. Spread it on a greased baking sheet and bake for about 20-25 minutes at 400ºF.
While the quinoa and squash finsish cooking and begin to cool, chop and prep the rest of your ingredients.
Begin adding everything in to the quinoa, starting with lemon juice from 3 lemons, garlic, basil and parsley (roughly chopped), and then add the spinach one handful at a time.
#SpoonTip: add the spinach while quinoa is still warm so it wilts slightly
Finally, add the rest of your ingredients and add salt, pepper, the last lemon, and a bit of olive oil.
#SpoonTip: Buy an avocado that is a little more firm (but not rock hard) so that it stays in cubes instead of mushing into the quinoa.