
The Easiest Baked Salmon Ever

When winter rolls around, you become sick of the on-campus dining options and finally feel the need to use the kitchen in your dorm or apartment. While you might want to turn to a quick bowl of pasta, you know it’s not the healthiest choice. Thankfully, other quick and easy options exist.

This recipe tackles a food category that many are nervous to cook on their own: fish. Whether you are ready to conquer your fish cooking fear or already are comfortable in the kitchen, you’ll be amazed at how easy (and nutritious) cooking this fish can be.

Salmon has a high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids, which contributes to healthy brain and heart function. It is also an excellent source of potassium, vitamin b12 and selenium. This makes for a perfect protein-based meal.

The greatest things about this recipe are that it requires almost no prep and only requires one baking dish; no bowls, pots or pans. This means fewer dishes to do after that would take away from your studying. Pair this simple salmon with some quinoa and veggies for a nutritious and filling dinner.


Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 20-25 minutes
Total Time: 30 minutes

Servings: 2

Photo by Yonatan Soler

2 salmon fillets (I prefer fresh salmon, but frozen works, too)
Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)
1 lemon
Champagne salad dressing or lemon vinaigrette (you can use any sort of light, slightly acidic dressing; you want something slightly acidic to balance out the fattiness in the salmon)


1. Preheat your oven to 350 °F.

2. Line a baking dish with either parchment paper or aluminum foil.

Photo by Yonatan Soler

3. Drizzle a thin layer of EVOO over the bottom of the baking dish.

Photo by Yonatan Soler

4. Lay down the salmon in the baking dish, skin side down.

Photo by Yonatan Soler

Photo by Yonatan Soler

5. Slice the lemon and place a few slices on top of the fish.

Photo by Yonatan Soler

6. Cover your salmon filets with a thin layer of the dressing.

Photo by Yonatan Soler

7. Bake for 20-25 min until pink and flaky, cooking time will vary on thickness of your filets.

Photo by Yonatan Soler

You should store leftovers in the fridge and eat them cold later, or make a salad and place the salmon on top.