In a Filipino household like mine, food-centered family gatherings occur on the reg. If there’s one thing I can count on, it’s that I can walk downstairs on a Sunday into a living room full of family, friends, and good food. With grilled chicken, egg rolls, noodles, fruit, pasta salad, and rice (because what is a Filipino gathering without it), the options are endless. Don’t even get me started on dessert. Of course, we have the typical cupcakes, pies, and other assorted baked goods, but there is one sweet treat that stands out among the rest: the sticky rice.
The particular type of sticky rice I am referring to is Biko, a traditional Filipino dessert made from gluttonous rice, coconut milk, and brown sugar (yup, that’s all you need). This recipe is just plain simple and delicious. If you’re looking for a new dessert recipe that will rock your taste buds, impress your friends, and make you wonder why you hadn’t tried it before, look no further.

Filipino Sticky Rice
Pre-heat oven to 350°.
Cook 5 cups glutinous rice in 5 cups water on the stovetop set to high heat.
In a separate pan, combine 2 cans coconut milk and 3 cups fine brown sugar and mix over high heat. This will create a thick, syrup-like mixture.
Add 1 tbsp anise seeds to the syrup and stir. Set aside half a cup.
After the rice is cooked, pour in the syrup and mix thoroughly. Spread mixture into baking pan.
Pour set-aside portion of syrup on top, then cook in the oven for 20 minutes (or more, if you want a crispier top).
Enjoy plain, or topped with coconut milk or dark chocolate sauce. Also pairs nicely with fresh mango.