
Stay Basic This Winter With These 100-Calorie Pumpkin Brownies

Friends, baking-challenged chocolate lovers, lazy bums, broke people, vegans, REJOICE. Fix your chocolate cravings with a brownie recipe that only needs 2 ingredients, an oven and a sweet tooth. What makes this recipe special is that it uses pumpkin instead of oil and eggs. Substituting with the canned vegetable saves about 100 calories and 8g of fat per serving. That’s right, you can indulge.

Photo by Abby Wang


Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 35 minutes

1 boxed brownie mix
1 can pumpkin


1. Preheat the oven to 325°F.

Photo by Abby Wang

2. In a large bowl, combine brownie mix and pumpkin by mixing the ingredients together. The mixture will be thicker than normal brownie batter.

Photo by Abby Wang

3. Pour the batter into baking dish and spread out evenly.

Photo by Abby Wang

4. Bake according to directions on the box.

Photo by Abby Wang

5. Let cool before devouring. Or not. Who I am to tell you what to do?

Recipe adapted from YouTube user Mind Over Munch.

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