
Spring Break: Tasty Videos Edition

Spring break is quickly approaching on everyone's calendar. As we enter midterms week stressed about every possible outcome on our exams, it's always good to remind ourselves of the summer teaser that's coming up.

While some of us travel to tropical vacation hotspots, others will head back home or even stay on campus. Luckily for us foodies, Buzzfeed Tasty has us covered on every spring break themed recipe regardless of our plans. As the world's largest food network, Tasty provides over thousands of recipes to cook or even just watch!

#1. Shrimp Ceviche 

Raw fish can sometimes be a pretty hard sell for some people. And those people...are wrong. What's not to love about refreshing citrus juice and one of the most freshest dishes of the spring? This tasty video takes ceviche back to it's ideal minimalist Peruvian roots. Depending on your preference, you could add some avocado, cucumbers, and even cilantro to maximize the taste. 

#2. Margaritas: Three Ways 

Staying sober throughout spring break...already basically impossible. Tasty only makes it harder with THREE different Don Julio cocktail opportunities to find your match. With a Watermelon Basil, Jalapeno Pineapple, and Blackberry Peach Margarita you'll always be ready for happy hour!

#3. Ice Pops

Surviving the incoming summer heat waves can often be exhausting. A fresh-from-the-freezer fruit ice pop can help us cool down for the rest of the season. Tasty has tons of options for every sweet tooth with Pineapple Rosemary, Blueberry Basil, and Strawberry Thyme Ice Pops ready to be made!

AND before you try any of these recipes make sure you're ready and excited for everything spring break has to offer! Check out this Spring Break Survival Guide with tons of tips regardless of your Spring Break travels or lazy plans. 

Who knew having the best alcohol and food fueled spring break could be so easy? As you indulge in your time sleeping in, staying up late, and getting some needed free time with family and friends, don't forget to treat yourself to these delicious recipes.